GDG Teacup Treasures, Laurie Beauchamp, by Mimi Bezemer

Eerste indruk
De voorkant van het boek vind ik erg sprekend. De kleuren zijn erg mooi en kleurrijk. Het valt mij meteen op na dat wanneer ik door het boek heen blader er veel dieren in de theekopjes verwerkt zijn. En dit trekt mij persoonlijk erg aan. Ik heb erg veel zin om hier in te mogen gaan kleuren.

My first impression
I like the front, colors are nice and bright. When I go through the book, I see a lot of animals in a teacup, and I like it. I’m excited to start coloring.

Informatie over het boek / Info about the book

Tekenaar? artist: Laurie Beauchamp
Taal/ Language: Engels / English
Afmeting/ Size: 10x280x215 mm
Aantal kleurplaten / Number of designs: 36
ISBN: 9788793385825
Uitgever / Publisher: GDG – Global Doodle Gems

Review Teacup treasures
Als je het boek open doet zie je een leuke tekening van een kat in een theekop met de tekst “Te Cuties in this book belongs to” en daar kan je dan je naam onder schrijven . Als je dan omslaat naar de volgende bladzijde zie je wie je allemaal kan benaderen en op welke manier. De bladzijde erna staat een voorwoord geschreven door Laurie Beauchamp. En als je dan weer omslaat zie alle tekeningen in het “klein” getekend waardoor je precies weet en ziet welke tekeningen in dit boek getekend zijn. En dit vind ik persoonlijk wel erg leuk. Vervolgens kun je gaan kiezen welke tekening je wil gaan kleuren. Achterin het boek zie je ook weer “kleine” tekeningen. Deze komen uit het eerste boek van Laurie Beauchamp “Dazzling Dragons”. Deze zien er ook erg mooi uit.

Review Teacup Treasures
When you open the book yo see a drawing from a cat in a teacup with the text: “Te Cuties in this book belongs to” where you can write your name. The next page includes info about GDG and Laurie Beauchamp. After that the pages with the tumbnails so you can see what’s in the book, and I like that. Than you can make your chice. In the back of the book you see the Tumbnails of the other Laurie Beachamp book, “Dazzling Dragons”, those look cool too!


Eigen creaties
Ik heb 3 willekeurige kleurplaten gekozen uit het boek en wil graag deze laten zien.

De eerste tekening die ik gekleurd heb is met Ecoline – Brush pen gedaan. Het effect is wel erg grappig, maar het papier gaat een beetje bobbelen. Ik vind het dus niet geschikt om het in dit boek te gebruiken. Het is net of je met waterverf aan het verven bent. Het is niet zo dat het doordrukt, maar het papier wordt er niet mooier van. Maar wel een leuk resultaat geworden als zeg ik het zelf.

My creations
I choose 3 random pics from the book to color

The first drawing I colored with Ecoline-Brushpens (Ink on waterbase). The effect is funny, but the paper bubbles a bit. It was not the best idea to use, it is like painting with waterpaint. It does not bleedthrough, but it is not that good for the paper. But I do like the result!

De tweede tekening heb ik gekleurd met Stabilo 68 stiften. Ik vond dit erg prettig om mee te werken. Drukte niet door, het papier bleef netjes zoals het moest plat liggen. De  kleur werd mooi en goed opgenomen. Ik ervaar dit als zeer prettig om met deze stiften in dit kleurboek ermee te kleuren.

The second drawing I colored with Stabilo 68 pen. I really liked to use them. No bleed through, paper kept great and the colors became nice and bright. I like to use the pens in this coloringbook.
De derde tekening die ik heb gekleurd is met Stabilo 88 fineliners. En ook dit werkt zeer prettig. Sommige kleuren drukken heel licht door, maar dat is te verhelpen door een papiertje er tussen te leggen zodat de andere tekening niet wordt geraakt. Ik vind deze ook qua kleur erg goed gelukt en ik raadt ook aan om kleine details van de tekeningen met fineliners te doen. Geeft een erg mooi effect.

The 3rd drawing I did I used Stabilo 88 fineliners, and those work pretty fine too! Some colors a little bleed through, but that’s no problem, put a protection sheet between the pages. I like the way I colored and it’s a good choice to use the fineliners for the small details. A great effect!

Mijn mening
Ik vind het een erg mooi boek. De tekeningen vind ik ook erg mooi en het nodigt mij erg uit om er in te gaan kleuren. De moeilijkheidsgraad in de tekeningen zitten er ook in. Deze ene is moeilijk en de andere is iets makkelijker om te kleuren. De dieren die er in getekend zijn vind ik ook erg mooi. Het materiaal waar het boek van gemaakt is, is voor zeer veel materialen te gebruiken. Denk hierbij aan kleurpotloden, stiften, fineliners, ecoline stiften, waterverf enz. En dit komt omdat de tekeningen enkelvoudig bedrukt zijn zodat je nooit een tekening die aan de achterkant staat verpest. En door er dan een papiertje tussen te doen heb je ook minder kans dat je de tekening die achter de kleurplaat zit waar je mee bezig bent verpest. Kortom ik ben heel enthousiast over dit boek en ik ga er zeker nog meer in kleuren. Ik wil dit boek dan ook waarderen met het cijfer 8.

My opinion
I do like the book, drawings are great and invites you to start. Different levels of coloring, some easy, others more detailed. I love the animals. The book is great for colorpencils, pens, fineliners, waterpaint etc, and thats because of the single side printed pages. Always use a protection sheet! Fina, I am very excited about the book, and iI will color more! Ths book deserves an 8.

Het gehele kleurproces… the whole process of coloring

Thank you very much Mimi for your contribution! Wanna see more about Mimi, visit her page Mimi Creatief

Want to know more about the book, visit booklaunch Teacup Treasures

Voor meer informatie:


Twitter: ……@globaldoodlegem

Instagram: @globaldoodlegems


You blogger Johanna Ans for Global Doodle Gems


Valentine!!! New GDG LOVERS…..

Today it’s Valentines day, the day that you think about your loved onces, your secret lover, or other kinds of love…. I wanna share the love for Global Doodle Gems books by our new Dutch Review team…. I will give you some quotes that I found on our secret group! But of course it is also about our GDG Valentines Collection, 3 books already! The team all bought a set of 3 books for a review, so they do know about our books, those Valentines drawings where a gift from me to the team….

Vandaag is het Valentijnsdag, de dag dat je denkt aan je geliefden, je geheime liefde of andere vormen van liefde…Ik wil met jullie de liefde delen voor de Global Doodle Gems boeken van ons nieuwe Nederlandse GDG Reviewteam…. ik geef je wat quotes die ik gevonden heb in onze geheime groep! Maar natuurlijk gaat het ook over onze GDG Valentijns Collectie, 3 boeken intussen al! Het team heeft allemaal een set van 3 boeken gekocht, dus ze raken al bekend met onze boeken, de Valentijnsplaten waren een cadeautje van mij voor hen….

Ik heb mijn team al mijn Valentijnsplaten gegeven die ik heb getekend voor de boeken, net een weekje geleden, omdat mijn idee laat ontstond…maar dat was geen enkel probleem…ze waren zo enthousiast dat ze gelijk aan de slag gingen. Ik heb wat quotes gekopieerd die er werden geschreven op de groep….

I gave the team all my drawings that I made for those books, just a week ago, because my idea came late… but that was not a problem at all…they where so enthusiastic and started to color for us! These are some line ups they wrote on the group….

Debby van Uem-Voortman Ik vind het een eer om hier aan mee te werken! En GDG verdient het ook om beroemd te worden in Nederland, want het zijn fantastische tekeningen van geweldige artiesten in prachtige boeken!

For me it is a honor te work on this! And GDG deserves to become famous in the Netherlands, because the drawings are fantastic from the great artists in gorgeous books!

Charlaine Dingemans Naring Leuke platen, heb ze opgeslagen en wil zeker mee doen. En idd een super uniek iets dat we al die platen krijgen van je

Nice drawings, I collected them all and I am sure to collaborate. And indead, it’s a unique thing that we get all those drawings from you

Janeska Van de Wijngaard Leuke platen! Wacht de pdf’s af om te starten. Ben door mee te doen aan dit team meer gemotiveerd om van iedere plaat wat moois te maken.

Nice drawings! I wait for the files to start. Because of being one of this team I am more motivated to make something beautiful from each drawing.

Is dat nu niet geweldig! Om inkleurders / reviewers zulke mooie woorden te zien schrijven? Ik word er zelf helemaal blij en vrolijk van. Het inkleuren nodigt zelfs uit mooie teksten te schrijven bij een plaat zoals Tabitha deed

Isn’t that great! To see that colorists / reviewers write such nice words? It makes me cheerful and happy. During the coloring people even write nice quotes with the drawing, like Tabitha did.
Geniet van het leven en leef het met passie, ook als je je even in de schaduw bevindt…

‘Love life! Be passionate, even when it’s dark’.

En er is meer, nog meer lovende en lieve woorden,
And there is more, more nice quotes!

Cindy van Bemmelen Johanna Ans, Echt super leuk zo al die extra’s die we mogen doen!

Johanna Ans, really nice this that we may do all those extra things!

Mimi Bezemer Dat lijkt mij een eer en een leuke / bijzondere ervaring om hier aan mee te mogen werken. Doe graag mee

That seems like an honor to me and a nice / special experience to work on this. I am in

Margreet Koelewijn Ik kleur zeker meer en heb er meer plezier in. Dat komt vast ook door de diversiteit in de boeken. Ik zie overal wel een uitdaging in….in de tekening zelf of het materiaal. Erg leuk!

I color more, and have more fun coloring. I think it is because of the diversity in the books. I see a challenge everywhere…in the drawing it self or the material to use. Really nice!

Natuurlijk ga ik jullie ook laten zien wat het team de afgelopen week allemaal heeft ingekleurd, ik heb hun werk verzameld en er een video van gemaakt… Dit blog is ook een verrassing voor hen, want ik wil hen ook bedanken…. even benadrukken hoe ik hun werk waardeer en hun enthousiasme, hun blogs die al worden gemaakt en het delen van al hun werk wat ze hebben gedaan in de afgelopen weken!

Of course I want to show you what the colorist did last week, I collected there work and made a nice video of it…. This blog is also a surprise for them, because I want to say thank you to them too…want to tell how much I appreciate there enthousiasme, there work, there blogs and sharing of all the work they have done in just a couple of weeks!

Dank jullie wel GDG Dutch Review Team….. Thank you all!!!
Manuela, Tabitha, Karin, Debby, Mimi, Manuela, Cindy, Patricia, Margreet, Heleen, Charlaine, Janeska, Wendy, Stephanie & Hanny

Wil je meer weten over de Valentijnscollectie van Global Doodle Gems….Klik dan op de booklaunchlinken…



En als je dan toch iets meer over de Nederlandse geliefden taal wil leren…. ik vond dit op Youtube… en is gewoon leuk!

And if you like to learn some pretty nice DUTCH LOVE lessons… I found this on Youtube… and it is funny….

Tot ziens in het volgende blog!!! Oh, en ja, het team gaat ook kleuren voor de Paascollectie…Alle Nederlandse tekenaars die meegewerkt hebben aan GDG Easter Collection Volume 1 & 2, hebben hun tekeningen ter beschikking gesteld aan het Reviewteam. Dank jullie wel Peggy, Sabine, Ellen, Mireille, Inge en Arianne... Ik weet zeker dat er weer met veel plezier gekleurd gaat worden!

Untill the next blog!!! Oh, and yes, the team will also color for our GDG Easter Collection… All Dutch artists that are in the GDG Easter Collection Volume 1 & 2 send in there drawings to me to give to the team! Thank you Peggy, Sabine, Ellen, Mireille, Inge & Arianne…. I am sure the team will have fun coloring!

Your blogger Johanna Ans and GDG Dutch Review Team for Global Doodle Gems



GDG “Teacuptreasures” by Laurie Beauchamp, personal review

GDG “Teacuptreasures” by Laurie Beauchamp, personal review

Oh my, Laurie has a new book…. And I am in love with her work. Colored her drawings in several books, was really excited about her book Dazzling Dragons, so I am excited what it will be this time… Yes I did see already some colored work, but that is different for me, and want to see the blank pages…. maybe because I am an artist too!


When you see that lovely cat in the teacup, than you have to smile, so sweet, so cute, so you understand that that will be the first to color for me! I use my little Ginger cat Juup, as my example to color.

He is lovely my little prince….and of course he is smiling through the gift of the little mouse, everybody smiles whe he or she gets roses! I colore Juup with my van Gogh Pastelpencils, and that was really fun to do. You can use your favorite pastelpencills of course, like Koh-I-Noor Gioconda or Conté Paris. Don’t forget to use a fixative to protect your work!
Oh of course I have to show you the inside of the book too….

The second drawing that I will color is a beautiful sweet little rabbit, another favorite furry animal for me. I colored this sweety with my new brands Marco Renoir, great pencils. You can compare them with the Bruynzeel Design Colour

Number 3 of course has to be a little dragonlike drawing for me, because I like Laurie’s way of making them. So I made myself a cup of Dragontea to relax…. again colored with the Marco Renoir Pencils, oh what do I love these…. It is a petty that I can not find them in stores, but just online… in The Netherlands we have to but them through Alie express, I do not know if they are on amazon too!
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I like the details in Laurie’s work, you can choose to color every detail separately or just fill in as in bigger spaces, and use the details to make your shades. I color always both ways, it’s just how I feel that day…but these drawings really do invite me to color every spot on his own….

The last coloring that I will do for now is the FroggyTea, a quick one, doing it with cheap alcoholmarkers from the Tiger shop, and a little Spectrum Noir for the missing colors
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I love my 4 Teacuptreasures, and I am for sure that I will color more of them…

If you like to color your own Teacuptreasures, please klick below and get yourself your own copy, I know that you will have a lot of fun, moments with a smile too, when you look at those sweeties!

Teacup Treasures: Cuties to color .. love and delight in !

Adult Coloring Book, be prepared to get swept away and fall in love with this beautiful and highly detailed magical book by Laurie Beauchamp …. 35 amazing and wonderful single page drawings of the most wonderful Teacup Treasures ….Cuties to color .. love and delight in !

Have a great day, colorful moments from your blogger Johanna Ans


GDG “X-Mas Collection” Volume 4

GDG “X-Mas Collection” Volume 4

And amazing collection this year from 65 drawings, done by 19 artists.  Alison Shayle, Lynne McGee , Peggy Sue Karunding , Heather Richards , Johanna Ans, Alfred E Villanueva , Carol Mayer , Arianne Schimmel , Audrey Sagh , Marieke Raterman , Hattifant ,Pica Wu , Jenny Wei , Jodi Ho , Lilan Chen, Nancy43 , Rover Hsiao , Wen Kung , Maria Wedel

Yes it is early, but we want you to have time enough to make gorgeous colorings to decorate your home when it’s time! Because, did you even think about laminate your colorings, to make beautiful placemats for your diningtable?

Look, how beautiful the cover is…

I want you to take a look with me, to the inside of the book…. so many gorgeous work to color, so many different styles…I am in love already!

Let us take a look on some gorgeous colored pieces, to inspire you, or bring you the early X-Mas spirit….

Start with the set from artist Rover Hsiao
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I love to color the art from artist Peggy Sue Karunding, she made again a beautiful set! I colored the whole set with Pastelpencils from Talens van Gogh and Conté à Paris, it was a pleasure to color them just before the summer started!
01-xmas-puppy 02-mrs-and-mr-snowman

03-love-is 04-catch-me-if-you-can
I also colored a piece from Marieke Raterman, a sweet dressed up X-Mas girl..look…|

And than this beautiful set from Jenny Wei, it makes you feel so happy!
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And yes, I made a set too, look how Peggy Sue brought my up side down X-mas tree alive with Talens Ecoline, waterbased ink.

Véro Pignot also did a great job to one of my drawings, love it! And what a difference it makes when you make your self a background, even more X-Mas feelings!
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And yes, I did also coloring my own, I used Caran D’Ache Luminance and a little Sakura Gold for my tree and in order from left to right for the X-Mas ornaments I used Stabilo Original, Marco Raffine and Derwent Studio pencils
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and, what do you think, will this inspire you for X-mas 2016, because this is not the only X-Mas we are gonna offer you…wait a couple of weeks and you will find out what will become more from Global Doodle Gems!

“Global Doodle Gems” Christmas Collection Volume 4: Adult Christmas coloring Book

gdgxmas_4Global Doodle Gems Christmas Collection coloring book offers you 65 designs to color from 19 artists. We have come together to create a one of a kind coloring experience! Having a wide variety of artists will allows us to accommodate more levels of color enthusiasts! Wishing you a colortastic journey … with our 4th Christmas Collection from “Global Doodle Gems”!







GDG “Wood you color me?” by Johanna Ans

GDG “Wood you color me?” by Johanna Ans

My first mini individual to share with the world. I played with the pattern and the word WOOD! Wood as in WOULD of course, I made some oneliners, that gave me a lot of fun to play with. You know me, cats are also one of my favorites to draw, so you find a mix of oneliners, woodpattern and cats in this book. There are 40 drawings to color.

The cover is colored beautifully by my friend Wendy Hofstee-Wiersema, you might know her from her own gorgeous page “Wendy Kleurt”. She did a great job on that. Thank you very much my friend!

Take a look with me what is all inside this minibook….

I had some colorists on a event, couple of monts ago, to try my drawings…. how they WOOD color them… I show you that result>
Deb Norman colored these, the frontpage….
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And one of my WOOD eggs….Deb is the owner of  50 Shades of Colouring
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This one is from colorist Manuela Bremer
Colored by Hester Moult
great work by Ghislaine Royer
and last one of this serie is colored by Louise Friedrich
I love to see how different people color, same drawing but such a different results. Thanks girls for your help!

I also made a video form all the colored pieces that I made with Wendy, let’s take a look ok?

I hope you like my idea of this nice minibook, and maybe I will see results of your colorings on our fangroup Global Doodle Gems. You also can find some freebies to color…every week a new set of 2 drawings on one A4 sized paper…..Than I will collect them, and use them for my next blog about WOOD you color me?….WOOD you like that? Of course I will mention your name as the colorist!

Wood You Color Me: Adult coloring book

woodyoucolormeAdult Coloring Book “Wood” you color me ? Playing with oneliners of the word Wood as Would and the theme of wood…. enter and enjoy a woody world of Wood…

Have a great colorful day, your blogger Johanna Ans & team Global Doodle Gems

GDG “Halloween Collection” volume 3

GDG “Halloween Collection” volume 3

Getting back on the road again, some personal issues, technical problems to solve, but we are coming back as Global Doodle Gems… a lot of new books are coming soon, some brand new ideas came up with are artists, so there will be a lot for you collorists to look forward too! But let us start with our latest book, GDG “Halloween Collection” Volume 3.

The cover by it self looks realy stunning to me…

I already look forward to make a start to color this gorgeous book….let us take a look inside, so I can warm you up to get this book!

Me myself feel a little small with my contribution, there is so much great work in this book, but I am still happy to be in it…. I made a drawing from a cat skull, everybody makes human skulls, so original it is. Look…
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I collected some great colored work on our Global Doodle Gems Fangroup to inspire you….

Artist & Colorist: Audrey Sagh
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Artist: Pica Wu, colorist: Rover Hsiao

Artist: Payun Chen, colorist: Lilan Chen

Artist: Jodi Ho, colorist: Lilan Chen and Rover Hsiao
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Artist & colorist: Laurie Beauchamp
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Artist: Lilan Chen, colorist: Rover Hsiao

Artist: Johanna Ans, colorist: Laurence Roucou
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Artist: Nancy 43, colorist: Jenny Wei

Artist: Rover Hsiao, colorist Jenny Wei

Artist: Johanna Ans, colorist Elisabeth Delhaye

Did I scare you? No, I don’t think so, it’s better that I inspired you… Hope you have a good impression, for what you can expect in this GDG Halloween Collection, that you will join us to color and show your work on our fangroup….than your coloring might be the next inspiration for others!

If you like to have your own copy, please press the button!

Halloween Collection 3: Halloween Adult Coloring Book (Global Doodle Gems Halloween Collection) (Volume 3)

Global Doodle Gems Halloween Collection coloring book offers you 55 designs to color from 18 artists. We have come together to create a one of a kind coloring experience! Having a wide variety of artists will allows us to accommodate more levels of color enthusiasts! Wishing you a colortastic journey … with our third Halloween Collection from “Global Doodle Gems”!




Your blogger Johanna Ans & team Global Doodle Gems

GDG “Annual Colorist Choice Collection 2016”, personal review

GDG “Annual Colorist Choice Collection 2016”, personal review

When you have a B-Day to celebrate, you have to do something special, and we as Global Doodle Gems, did something really special together with our colorists from our fangroup

Cover Colorist Choice 2016
Ultimate Global Doodle Gems Adult Coloring Collection… Chosen by colorists ! We had a huge nomination round on our Global Doodle Gems Coloring Group, colorists nominated their favorite drawings by submitting their colored pieces from the Global Doodle Gems Books published from the first year July 2015 to April 2016. Over 500 Drawings were nominated for the book. We had a Jury of 7 Judges from the large Coloring Groups, vote on their favourites and here is the result, We hope you will enjoy it ! The Cover was colored by Vero Pignot and the colored piece on the cover was chosen from all the nominated colored pieces… then Vero was asked to color the back with the portrait of Maria Wedel, the founder of Global Doodle Gems, in the same style. Cover drawings are by Orbleu’s and Alfred E. Villanueva.

Let us take a look inside this gorgeous and big book!

There are so many different artists in this book, and a lot of my favorites, that I did not let my eyes choose, but a random pick up…. just opened the book somewhere, and started to color. The first that came out was a drawing from Leen Margot (GDG Harmony)
I made a small video of this coloring, how that I worked with Caran d’Ache Neopastel 1, for me also it was the first time to work with that material, And I really do love the stuff…it is up to you if you should like to use it in your books too.

The second drawing that I did was from artist Ena Tera (Global Doodle Gems Volume 7), and YES! a mandala, I love to color mandala’s. Now I have to tell you a secret, I colored with Faber Castel Polychromos! Is that something strange? Yes for me it is, they are not coloring pencils for me, “just” blender pencils for my favorites, the Caran d’Ache Pablo! I am happy with the result, but no, these Polychromos are really not “my” pencills.

The 3rd coloring that I picked was from artist Ahmed Fouad, I love his work, really love his work! This one is in GDG Mandala Collection Volume 1, an early drawing from him, he grew so hard, his work became more and more better, and I am addicted to his drawings. I colored with Steadtler Triplus Brilliance, Stabilo 88 and my favorites, Caran d’Ache Pablo

What will the 4th blind choice bring me, oh, a drawing from my friend Lilan Chen from Taiwan. I reallized, that I never colored one of hers before…I must be ashamed a little. But here I go, this drawing is also in GDG Minicollection Volume 4, and not only in, it is on the cover too! I show you hers too, because the way she colored, is gorgeous, she used pointillisme technique! I only used 7 colors of Faber Castell Albrecht Dürer (I had them from a friend to try her oldies) and my Sakura Koi Waterbrush
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I will show you the video that I made from all 4 drawings if you like to see the work in progress too!

And I did more colorings, before this book started to become the colorist choice. I will show those to you just for inspiration!

Lynny Ex (GDG Volume 5)               Bev Choy (GDG Colors of Whimsy Vol. 2)
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DomDomx (GDG Flower Collection vol.1 & GDG Volume 1)
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Peggy Sue Karunding (GDG Easter Vol. 1 & GDG X-Mas Vol.2)

Easter 2015 (2) Kerst 2015 (3)

Special Portrets by Alfred E. Villanueva, you can order them yourselfs too!
finished Maria by Johanna20150916_135752-1

2000 GDG Members special Freebie and Leen Margot (GDG Harmony)
Johanna AnsLeen Margot-Harmony (1)
Marieke Raterman (GDG Mandala Vol.1), Pica Wu (GDG Flowers vol. 1)

Marieke Raterman-Bos 001Pica Wu_Johanna Ans (6)

As you can see, there is a lot of different kind of drawings, from a lot of great artists that you can find in this book! In the end of the book, you also find two pages from the GDG Color Companion, to test your colors. A special attention for you. is the page about the portrets that you can order yourself by ViWorksArt, Alfred E. Villanueva! I am very proud, that I am on that page together with my grandson, between my friends Maria and her lovely daughter! Yes I colored them al 3 in A3 size!
If you are interested in this GDG Annual Colorist Choice Collection yourself, I will make it easy for you and give you the link!

I hope that you will be inspired again, I know this is a great book, and I love the idea, that the drawings are choosen by the colorists, by our fans so it must be one of the best!

Your blogger Johanna Ans & team Global Doodle Gems



GDG “The Team Taiwan Collection 1”

GDG “The Team Taiwan Collection 1”

I think that I will make an unfair review this time… why…I am a big fan from Team Taiwan… they are a team of such talented artists, and the way they color…. damn, it always makes me feel small, when I do my best on there drawings…But I love their work, and I really love to color their work….so I just do my thing… and they are happy and greatfull with my “thing”… and they like it…. Yes, I am not afraid to tell you all that I am insecure too sometimes….. Look at this gorgeous cover to start!
The beautifull front cover is designed and colored by Lilan Chen. The back cover is designed by Angel Huang and colored by Leaf Yeh. I wonder when they both made these drawings that it would become such a great opposite to eachother…. They really fit together for me!

This cover made me laugh out loud, look at the grumphy lady on the backcover… I hear her think “Why is she on the front?….” And the lady on the frontcover, she looks so secure about her beauty, her bodylanguage tells me “Don’t you see that I am the prettiest”, hahaha

Good start to take a look inside this book, a Bon Voyage, a Nice Trip….

And o my gosh, I see so many lovely, gorgeous, great, fantastic drawings…I want this book! I am happy that I was invited by Team Taiwan to color with them…and started with creatures that I never colored before…yes, I colored a Robot … My first thought was, that’s for boys to color…and my second thought was… There is as much male in me as female, I am that strong, I am that hairy, now I have the change to be that guy…And I had a lot of fun…. and I was happy with my result!
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I want you to see what comment Alexius gave me after I posted my “Robot” on Team Taiwan Group

Alexius Hsing Oh my god! That really brought out the spirit of the alien robot. Thanks Johanna 😀

Johanna Ans Thanks, glad that you are happy with my coloring!

Alexius Hsing The colour is just what I have imagined for the alien robot. Thanks so much.

Yeah!!! That gave me confidence…. so let’s do “Warriors” too hahaha… now I am into the Valkerie spirit…. And again I grabbed my Spectrum Noir Markers to color
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I know, that’s the girl in me, the colors are maybe to soft, but I am a “peace” girl, let’s say, that I would impress the enemy with soft colors, and with a girl in front of the strong warriors this war will end very soon… My story… hmm, let me be a kid too sometimes even when I am 50 years young!

But I am keeping your view on my colorings, I better start showing you what Team Taiwan colored, let them impress and inspire you…. Yes, I am into the video too of course, we collect as much as we can…and we are still coloring… but for the first video, a really nice collection!

Now you see, why I sometimes be scared to be one of their colorists…. they are so talented…make such a great work… I hope someday that I can fly over to Taiwan, to visit them, and see how they use their brands, their materials, see there techniques,…I will watch them all, and learn of them… I also know, that they work pretty hard, they all help eachother out, to make as much as possible collorings…. maybe we all could learn of that… And whenever I ask them to help me out, for myself, or for a surprise to color for somebody, they never say no…. Yes Team Taiwan, that’s how I feel about you…But, I can show you a little from the desks of colorists from team Taiwan, I had some great folders to use too, with work in progress shots…so it looks like we can look over the shoulder of the colorist! I made this video for you to inspire you….

I hope that I gave you a great trip through this book…. that you like it as much as I do…. There will be more and more to show you,and i thought, I will safe it for the next blog…. But in the meantime that I was working on the video’s and write the blog, did I even think that Team Taiwan was sleeping? No way, my Google Drive box got filled up again…so I had to work again… just like they do… another video to inspire you!

…If you like to start to color your own copy, be our guest

The Team Taiwan Collection 1: Adult Coloring book 25 Artists 60 Designs (Volume 1)An unique Collection from Global Doodle Gems Team Taiwan, 25 artists 60 single page designs, offering you great variety and lots of hours of coloring fun. Artists featured in this collection are Mr. End, Lin Chiu, Damy Teng, Wenyu Lin Small Fish, Rover Hsiao, Wanting Huang, Pica Wu, Nancy43, Lilan Chen, M. Lin, Chou Yu-Jin, Angel Huang, Happy Fishhhhhh, Leaf Yeh, Jodi Ho, Jenny Wei, Pajun Chen, Wen Kung, Hung Ai-Ling, Debbie Lai, Mina Hsiao, Jennifer Rainbow Beryllium, Kimiko Maeda & Jean Li

You also can find gorgeous work from Team Taiwan in our newest book GDG “The Annual Colorist Choice” a special price in the month of July 2016 because of our GDG B-Day to celebrate!

Annual Colorists Choice Collection Volume 1: Adult Coloring Book Global Doodle Gems Ultimate Collection

Ultimate Global Doodle Gems Adult Coloring Collection… Chosen by colorists ! We had a huge nomination round on our Global Doodle Gems Coloring Group, colorists nominated their favorite drawings by submitting their colored pieces from the Global Doodle Gems Books published from the first year July 2015 to April 2016. Over 500 Drawings were nominated for the book. We had a Jury of 7 Judges from the large Coloring Groups, vote on their favourites and here is the result, We hope you will enjoy it ! The Cover was colored by Vero Pignot and the colored piece on the cover was chosen from all the nominated colored pieces… then Vero was asked to color the back with the portrait of Maria Wedel, the founder of Global Doodle Gems, in the same style. Cover drawings are by Orbleu’s and Alfred E. Villanueva.

I had fun to write this blog, hope that you had fun too

Your blogger Johanna Ans & Team Global Doodle Gems





GDG “Dazzling Dragons”, by Laurie Beauchamp, personal review

GDG “Dazzling Dragons”, by Laurie Beauchamp, personal review

When I had this book in my hands for the first time, I was totally flabbergasted! What a gorgeous cover, front and back. I really needed to look inside to see what was promised by the cover!


Let me show you the inside first too, for your pleasure:

I really wanted to color this book, but for the first time I felt a little intimidated…how can I bring this gorgeous detailed work alive? Me, who never thinks about things like that, but just always starts and sees where it will end! Really, this is such a great book, I love the detailed drawings…. I did not want to ruin it! And then I thought to myself, how can I possibly ruin this work; I like to color, I love details, I am in love with the drawings…. just grab your stuff Johanna and start…and that’s just what I did….

I started on the first page of the book, a sweet little dragon, and a spot where you could write your name … and that was the first thing I did… now it’s mine, and I am gonna make a gorgeous book of it!

I collected my stuff to color; my Stabilo 88 (0.4mm) and my Steadtler Triplus Brilliance (0.3mm), because these are perfect for my first coloring. I like to “feel”  all the lines that the artist made… so every little spot on it, was colored separately… like I was coloring with needles….

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To let the wings show I used my new Spectrum Noir Sparkles Clear, wow what glitter and glamour! I don’t usually use glitters; it is not my style, but sometimes it gives you that little extra, and for the wings, I loved it! The background that you see in the middle I did with my Talens Rembrand Softpastels, sweet and soft colors….. I am into the Dazzling Dragons!!!

Normally I will go through the book and choose a favorite to color, but there is no favorite, I like them all-so I started right after the intro page with the next one… also done with my fineliners and colorgel sparkles.
You can see how small the spaces are, but every spot of the scale, has 3 colors, started with the yellow, than the light orange and a small spot of red! That took me some time…. but I loved it….
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For the bigger spots in the drawing I used my Tiger Touch– and the Spectrum Noir Alcoholmarkers. Once again it became a colorful piece of art….

And then I went to the 3rd page and thought “hey I know this”, yup- it is the front cover of the book…beautifully colored by Rover Hsiao- I am a big fan of her coloring and I wondered how I could even compare with her work…… again I was afraid…Laurie what did you do to me with your Dazzling Dragons… I never usually have feelings like this, haha…. but I started it… and I made the start with the most difficult coloring for me to do, skin… even though I haven’t done it a lot, I know the way it should be done, but I am too insecure when doing faces…no, maybe it is that I do not like to color faces….. and if I do, I use most of the time making-up the color, or just use it out of  the colorbox…. but I am happy with my work! I used Stabilo Carbothello Pastel pencils and Conté Pastel pencils…

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After I finished the skin I immediately grabbed my Talens Fixative spray, I did not want to destroy it… After using that, you can still go over it with new colors if you like!

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This time, instead of paperstumps for the pastel I used a flat brush to smear out the colors….very smoothly, because I didn’t want to change the color, just let them flow together. It was the first time that I have used this method, and I have to say, it works pretty fine to me!

Of course I made a small video too from my work in progress… take a look if you wish…

If you are in love with this book, as much as I am, then you really have to buy yourself a copy, it will be hours and hours of fun to color.

Dazzling Dragons: Adult Coloring Book

Adult Coloring Book, be prepared to get swept away and fall in love with this beautiful and highly detailed magical book by Laurie Beauchamp …. 37 amazing and wonderful single page drawings of the most wonderful dragons ….



Your blogger Johanna Ans & team Global Doodle Gems

Do you like to stay updated, please visit our fangroup or the official GDG page

GDG “Colour It”, Book 1 & 2 by Ondine Summers, inspiration

GDG “Colour It”, Book 1 & 2 by Ondine Summers, inspiration

As promised, I have done another blog about the gorgeous books from artist Ondine Summers. She makes gorgeous old school tattoo art drawings, which are really fun to color.

We will start with GDG “Colour It”, book 1
Cover Book 1

To give you a nice impression of the book, I will show you the inside…

Let us start with some coloring! These beautiful colourings are done by Lynni Ex. I think that Lynni used her Faber Castel Polychromos, because they are her favourites!
Lynni book 1 Lynni book 1-1

Myself, I did a coloring with Caran d’Ache Neocolor 2, very old stuff that I have, but never really used it before, so for old school coloring, it became time to use my old school material!
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I just used my “I-do-what-I-do-and-will-see-what-it-will-become” technique; that for me is the way to get familiar with brands that I have not used before…. so I just started with layering some different colors of red!
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Wow, this is fun, after using a Sakura Koi Waterbrushpen, you can add some more color, and it will give it a whole different look, I think I am gonna like these Neocolors… There is even a golden and silver crayon….fun!

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It works up pretty fast, and it feels like it is easy to do, because when the water hits the color, it becomes fluid almost immediately, and it blends damn good! I have to practice more of course, I think that I could get a lot more out of these mediums.
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But for my first attempt, I am really happy with the result, I hope you like it too. I also want to show you, even if you use a material for the first time, that the result can be good! It is also a “practice run”, to learn more about what you can do! I am never afraid to learn new things, and show the results, even if it can be much better. By showing your first work, and then keep practising, you will also grow!
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Ondine herself, colored her work too of course, look what she did! Ondine used Caran d’Ache Luminance pencils; really good and professional pencils, You have to be good, or practice a lot, because it is not just a pencil!
Ondine Book 1, 1 Ondine book 1, Gipsy gorl, Luminance

I really love the way those drawings are done, they inspire me too!
Ondine Book 1, Luminance

Let us be inspired too by the GDG”Colour It”, book 2
cover book 2

And of course the inside of the book!

I also asked Cynthia Elhorst from “Kleuren voor Volwassenen”, to help me to make this review for Ondine, she did a real nice job, using Decotime Alcoholmarkers, a brand new type in The Netherlands (we buy it in the Action stores) ; very very cheap alcoholmarkers, that I can even make a comparison with mine ! Only the Decotime costs 95 eurocents for 3 markers, and the ShinHan almost 3 euros a piece!

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Cynthia told me that she was inspired by her Koi Fish, I really like how she brought this fish alive!
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And look, even the backside of the drawing is an artpiece, I like to see those pictures too!
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Her second drawing was a skull, she loves to color skulls!
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Isn’t she gorgeous!
Cyn 14 Cyn 15

This one is a masterpiece I believe, the Elephant, so beautifully done by Lynni Ex. Gorgeous bright and beautiful colors! I like to see when people think out of there colorbox and use colors that are not reality colors. It makes this picture so much alive, an artpiece!
Lynni book 2 selfpublished

Ondine of course colored too, look to her inspiration for you…
Ondine book 2, Luminance Owl
Ondine book 2, Luminance Ondine book 2

I saved a small video specially for the end of this blog, colored by Peggy Sue Karunding, with Promarkers, pastels and a white gelpen. Why a video? She sent in so much Work In Progress shots, that it is nice to see her black & white fish become a beautiful colored fish!

Look, when you see the same drawings next to eachother, colored by 2 different people, how great this will look when 10 people color it their own way…then you will have a pond of gorgeous fish!

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So, that was a nice inspiration to show you, wasn’t it? If you would like to color the designs in these gorgeous books for yourself, I will give you the links so you can buy your copies. It’s so easy- click on the link(s)

Colour It Book 1: Colour Therapy for Grown-ups (Volume 1)

Amazing Adult Coloring book with wicked designs by Ondine Summers, an award winning tattoo artist from Norfolk, England, get ready for a journey of old school designs with wonderful details and beautiful twists and turns … A must have in your collection…

Colour It Book 2: Colour Therapy for Grown-ups (Volume 2)

Amazing Adult Coloring book, the second in the series Colour It, with wicked designs by Ondine Summers, an award winning tattoo artist from Norfolk, England, get ready for a journey of old school designs with wonderful details and beautiful twists and turns … A must have in your collection…

You can find and see more about our artists and colorist on the Global Doodle Gems Fangroup, and follow all the new stuff on the official GDG Page

See you in the next blog!
Kind Regards, Johanna Ans & Team Global Doodle Gems

GDG “GemInsects” by Alfred E. Villanueva, individual

GDG “GemInsects” by Alfred E. Villanueva, individual

The first book of Alfred E. Villanueva is here! I have pleasure in presenting to you “GemInsects”, a lovely, gorgeous book to color.


A lovely great video made by Alfred himself!

A lot of colorists worked behind the scenes, to color the whole book for Alfred, as a surprise. The team that I worked with, also helped me to make a small review about their pages or tell us their feelings about Alfred…..

Let us start with the pages from Cynthia Elhorst, admin from the biggest Dutch coloringgroup “Kleuren voor Volwassenen”

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Ik vond de platen volledig uit mijn comfort zone maar fantastisch om het uiteindelijk behaalde resultaat te zien! Ga zeker wat meer platen van Alfred kleuren!
It was totally out of my comfort zone but it was great to see the result at the end. I am sure that I am going to color more drawings from Alfred! I used Touchliit alcoholmarkers.

The second drawing from Cynthia 
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The next colorist at work is Amandine Cyrill 
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She did a second drawing too…
1 (2) 3 (2) 6 (2) 8 (2)_wm
Amandine wrote this about her work for Alfred:
Johanna Hi ! So I liked coloring the drawings of Alfred because they are beautiful , original , inimitable , they have souls and I have had fun just relaxing and putting color on them.

The mediums I used on the three drawings were: Polychromos pencils by Faber Castell, some felt Papermate pens , dry pastels used for the background and Gifi gel pen for two of the drawings.
And the third drawing by Amandine
1 (3) 3 (3) 6 (3) 8 (3)_wm

The next colorist is Leen Margot
ALfred-Leen Margot 1 (1) ALfred-Leen Margot 1 (1)
Leen told me this about Alfred’s drawings: I used prismacolors as a medium. Alfred’s drawings are very special and unique. His universe is marvellous, and coloring his drawings offered me a trip into a magic world. Coloring is the best way to open the door to meditation. I love his work, and he is one of my favorite artists. His book is not simply a ‘book’, it is a treasure.

This is the second drawing from Leen for Alfred
Alfred-Leen Margot 2 (1) Alfred-Leen Margot 2 (2)

Of course I, Johanna Ans,  did some coloring myself too, you all know that I am a big fan of Alfred’s work. He is talented, he is kind, very generous to all of us, one of the greatest guys I ever met… even it’s through the internet, I have the feeling that we really know each other. I had a set of 6 drawings to color, yes Maria knew that I would love to do that for you Alfred. The first 3 drawings I colored with Caran d’Ache Pablo and some Faber castell Polychromos
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They were much fun to do, but also kind of different to what I am used to of Alfreds work… but I loved to do it. The 4th drawing is a mix of Caran d’Ache Pablo and Spectrum Noir alcoholmarkers. Number 5 and 6 are done with low budget pencils, Staedtler Norris, Staedtler Ergosoft and Bruynzeel Holland (the cheapest from Bruynzeel, and I still do like them as a Bruynzeel fan and collector) with a touch of Touchliit alcoholmarkers
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I made a video of my first 4 colorings, my WIP scans for you Alfred

The next colorist to bring your drawings alive Alfred, is Peggy Sue Karunding. What a great colors she used from the Talens Ecoline range!
1 4 8
Peggy wrote this about your drawings Alfred: Alfred’s drawings are brilliant! It brings realism and fantasy together with the insects and gems. …he’s a brilliant artist and I hope to do some more coloring of his drawings in the future. I used my favorite medium and that’s ecoline…the bright colors of them makes the designs come alive!
Alfred 01 (color)_wm Alfred 02 (color)_wm

And then there is colorist Véro Pignot for you Alfred..
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This is what Véro wrote for you Alfred: “I just love Alfred’s universe ! It is a paradise for colorists. His drawings have a lot of details and they totally keep me away from my real world, it is a complete coloring break…… The insects and gems are so realistic….. After coloring these designs, I feel like I love insects and when I see them, I won’t see them as before but instead through Alfred’s eyes….. I used mainly polychromos pencils and soft pastels for the background to color his drawings.”
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And there will be more Alfred, the next colorist for you is Laurence Roucou.
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Laurence will tell you this about your drawings Alfred: Alfred is an artist that I discovered via Global Gems Doodle ; he has an incredible talent and a very particular style that sets his work apart and distinguishes his talent. A young artist who we will surely see and hear more from !!! Alfred thank you for your generosity and your shares. I love your work !!To color his drawings , I used pencils Faber Castell Polychromos and a blender

Alfred-Laurence 2 (2) Alfred-Laurence 2 (7) Alfred-Laurence 2 (10) Alfred-Laurence 2 (14)_wm
And then we have colorist Nancy van Acker for you Alfred….
Her first coloring for you:
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This is what Nancy writes for you Alfred: For me, Alfred’s drawings are a challenge to my colorings skills. It takes me about an hour to figure out what colors to use, but when I sorted it out it’s always a pleasure to see how it comes alive. I used Prisamacolors and a Derwent Blender.
And her second….

Also Maria Wedel took the time to color your drawing Alfred, she colored the whole cover for you… she used Vics pencils from the Tigershop and after that she used the Letraset Pro blender

Elisabeth Delhaye, ofcourse she is one of the colorists too….. and she also has some kind words for you Alfred: “When Maria asked me to say a couple of words about Alfred, Viworks arts, I wondered how to express why I appreciate his universe so much ??? In fact, this young Philippine artist is very talented, his particular universe seems incredible to me, so pleasant with many possibilities for coloring. His drawings are in some Global Doodle Gems Books, but I am pleased to see him produce his own book. Just get in to this sweet guy’s talented drawings, and you will have fun. And finally, I’ll say this man is a sweet guy”. … Elisabeth Delhaye.

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To colour Alfred’s design, I used FC polychromos, blender and a little chalk on the background.

And there will be a lot more, because team Taiwan also did great great work, and others too…but we will save their gorgeous work and opinions for the next blog that I will make for Alfred.

And maybe the biggest surprise of all is this gorgeous video made by Maria Wedel. A lot of work, but so beautiful…I think it’s the biggest video we made, for all of you to enjoy!

GemInsects: Global Doodle Gems presents GemInsects Adult Coloring book

Adult Coloring book with 50 single page drawings with wonderful gems and beautiful Insects combining two wonderful themes to make a truly inspired masterpiece of a book, a gem in any collection by talented artist Alfred E. Villanueva… look in the review section to see the pages inside the book

Click on pic to shop now !

Alfred….its all yours…..

If you liked this blog, please click on the Like button, to let others know that too…and feel free to comment on the blog!

Your blogger Johanna Ans, team Global Doodle Gems…and a lot of colorists!!!


GDG Volume 8 inspiration blog by artists and their colorists

GDG Volume 8 inspiration blog

As you all know, we as artists have to make 5 drawings and a chapterpage for a volume book. Also we have to make a colored piece, by ourselfs or a colorist to choose. I want to share those colored pieces with you, to inspire you all

Zoals jullie weten, moeten wij als tekenaar 5 tekeningen een een hoofdstukpagina maken, net als een ingekleurde versie, door onszelf of een bevriende colorist. Ik wil deze platen graag met jullie delen, om jullie te inspireren

Cover spread

Its nice to know that not every artist is possible to color their own work, some of the artist just can color their own, and others even don’t color. So it’s great that we can “use” the possibillity to choose somebody to do it for you. We as Global Doodle Artists also can ask our Publisher Maria to give colorists on our FB Global Doodle Gems group a colorchallenge. So the colorist can be part of the cover, or part of the video’s we make of colored pieces to promote the book! And as the blogger for GDG I collect ofcourse all the colorchallenge pages, to use them for the blog, with your name mentioned!

Een leuk weetje is dat niet iedere tekenaar zijn of haar eigen werk kan inkleuren, of juist alleen maar eigen werk… maar soms zelfs geheel niet kleuren! Dan is het fijn om te weten dat we “gebruik” kunnen maken van anderen die dat voor ons willen doen. Wij als GDG tekenaars kunnen onze publisher Maria vragen om de op onze FB Global Doodle Gems groep een kleuruitdaging te maken. Een kans voor de colorist om deel uit te maken van een cover, of promotiemateriaal in de vorm van video’s om onze boeken te promoten> en als blogger, verzamel ik natuurlijk al die platen van de kleuruitdaging, die weer worden gebruikt voor inspiratieblogs, en natuurlijk met de naam van de colorist erbij!

Let’s start our “Tour de Colorings”. Start with one of the colorings I did for the backcover, to promote Volume 9. It is from artist: Elisabeth Cassidy (New York style). I colored this with Stabilo 68. It was a strange drawing for me when I saw it, what shall I do with this piece…. an it became “just go out of your Colorbox”.

Laat onze “Kleurrijke Tour” gaan beginnen… Ik zelf heb de backcover gekleurd, die weer Volume 9 promoot. Een plaat van Elisabeth Cassedy (New York stijl), ingekleurd met Stabilo 68. In eerste instantie wist ik niet wat ik van de plaat moest denken, wat ga er er toch mee doen…. en het werd “ga gewoon uit je Colorbox”.

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Artist & Colorist: Asma Zergui
Asma Zergui

Artist & Colorist: Laety’Esperanza
Laety Esperanza
Artist & Colorist: Mia Pelletier
Mia Pelletier

Artist & Colorist: Irina Sergeeva
Irina Sergeeva
Artist & Colorist: Jane Levi
Jane Levi 4e uit 6 Jane Levi 5e uit 6 Jane Levi.1 Jane Levi.6

Artist & Colorist: Les galaxies des Qiw
Spirit of Qiw

Artist: Marie Eve Klein
Colorist: Sophie Guillaumot
Marie-Eve Klein colored by Sophie Guillaumot

Artist: Irina Sergeeva
Colorist: Blandine Spacedyn
irina Sergeeva-Blandine Spacedyn

Artsist: Nicole Whelan
Colorist: Arianne Schimmel
Nicole Whelan- Arianne Schimmel Nicole Whelan colored by Arianne Schimmel

Artist: Jane Levi
Colorist: Laurence Roucou
Jane Levi colored by Laurence Roucou Jane Levi- Laurence Roucou

And last but not least the drawing from artist: Fafahe and colorist: Leen Margot
Fafahe colored by Leen Margot
I hope you liked this beautiful inspiration from our artists and colorists… this book will be published on 1th of februari 2016. Please folow our official page of Global Doodle Gems for all the latest news!

Ik hoop dat ik jullie heb kunnen inspireren met dit mooie werk van de tekenaars en de kleurders… het boek word verwacht op 1 februari 2016. Je kunt ons volgen op de officiële pagina van Global Doodle Gems waar al het laatste nieuws te vinden is.

“Global Doodle Gems” Volume 8: “The Ultimate Adult Coloring Book…an Epic Collection from Artists around the World! “
Global Doodle Gems adult coloring books is a collaboration of 130+ artists from around the world. We have come together to create a one of a kind coloring experience! Each volume of our coloring books features 10 artists and their amazing drawings 50 color pages in total. Having a wide variety of artists allows us to accommodate all levels of color enthusiasts ! Wishing you a colortastic journey … with our 8th Volume of “Global Doodle Gems”!

Click on pic to shop now !


Colortastic days from your blogger Johanna Ans & team Global Doodle Gems

GDG Volume 8 FREEBIES! Chapterpages to color for you!

GDG Volume 8 FREEBIES! Chapterpages to color for you!

Every month we have freebies on our FB Global Doodle Gems , freebies of the upcoming book. You might have missed them, so we will put them together in a blog for you. Feel free to print and color them. It should also be very nice, when you show them on our group to… so I can use it for the next inspirationblog…. from all our colorists together!

Iedere maand hebben wij 10 chapter platen van het aankomende uit te brengen boek, op onze FB Global Doodle Gems groep. Misschien heb je ze gemist, en dus zet ik ze hier voor jullie op een rijtje. Voel je vrij te printen en in te kleuren, en wat zou het leuk zijn jullie platen terug te vinden op onze groep… dan kan ik die in een volgende inspiratieblog gebruiken om weer  anderen te inspireren…. van al onze kleurders bij elkaar!

Cover spread

For this month it will be GDG Volume 8 freebies, the book will be published on
Februari 1th…. So let us start coloring to help us promote this gorgeous book!

Voor deze maand is dat GDG Volume 8, wat gepubliseerd word op 1 februari… dus laten we aan het kleuren gaan en mee helpen dit mooie boek te promoten!

I already did my small job, I colored the drawing from Artist Elisabeth Cassedy, “Newyork” style, to promote the GDG book Volume 8, on the backcover. 

Ik heb al een stukje toegevoegd aan dit boek, ik heb namelijk de eer gehad, om de plaat van Artist: Elisabeth Cassedy in te mogen kleuren, de “Newyork” style, die te zien is op de achterkant,  om Volume 9 te promoten…

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Here they come….print, colortastic fun…and share it all over the world, and on FB Global Doodle Gems  en Kleuren voor Volwassenen Mention name of the artist, and the name you like to be called in the next blog! So you also get your credit ofcourse!

Hier komen ze dan… print, kleurrijk plezier beleven… en deel het met de hele wereld, en op onze groepen, FB Global Doodle Gems  en  Kleuren Voor Volwassenen

Artist Asma Zergui                                                Artist: Fafahe
Asma Zergui FafaHe

Artist: Ireena Zergeeva                                     Artist: Jane Levi
Ireena Sergeeva Jane Levi

Artist: Johanna Ans                                               Artist: Laety Esperanza
Johanna Ans Laety Esperanza

Artist: Les galaxies des Qiw                              Artist: Marie Eve KLein
Les galaxies de Qi Marie Eve Klein

Artist: Mia Pelletier                                          Artist: Nicole Whelan
Mia Pelletier Nicole Whelan

“Global Doodle Gems” Volume 8: “The Ultimate Adult Coloring Book…an Epic Collection from Artists around the World! “
Global Doodle Gems adult coloring books is a collaboration of 130+ artists from around the world. We have come together to create a one of a kind coloring experience! Each volume of our coloring books features 10 artists and their amazing drawings 50 color pages in total. Having a wide variety of artists allows us to accommodate all levels of color enthusiasts ! Wishing you a colortastic journey … with our 8th Volume of “Global Doodle Gems”!

Click on pic to shop now !

Team Global Doodle Gems together with