GDG Typical Dutch door Margreet Kleurde

Mijn naam is Margreet Koelewijn. Mijn hobby is kleuren,  en doe dit nu ongeveer  een jaar of 4. In die periode heb ik verschillende materialen om mee te kleuren aangeschaft.  Vanuit het GDG review team is gevraagd of we verschillende kleurboeken van Global Doodle Gems  willen uitproberen en er een review voor willen maken. In mijn geval wordt dit nu het kleurboek GDG Typical Dutch

My name is Margreet Koelewijn and my hobby is coloring, I color for almost 4 years right now. I bought my self different brands over the years. Got the question if  would help ding some reviews for Global Doodle Gems, and yes I will, and for now it will be Typical Dutch!

Het is een dik boek …..altijd fijn, net als dat de pagina’s enkelvoudig bedrukt zijn. Dit zorgt ervoor dat je met alle materialen kan werken zonder dat je de tekening op de achterkant verpest.

Typical Dutch is samengesteld door  de Nederlandse kunstenaars uit de GDG “stal”. Te weten  Johanna Ans, Arianne Schimmel, Peggy Sue Karunding Ellen Wolters, Sabine van Ee, Mireille Westerduin, Marieke Raterman en Inge Boogaers.  Dit kleurboek bevat typische Nederlandse gebruiken / taferelen door de ogen van deze kunstenaars gezien.

Vrij in het begin van het kleurboek staan over 4 pagina’s verdeeld  de tekeningen in het klein afgedrukt, zodat je al een overzicht krijgt wat je kan verwachten van het kleurboek. Iedere artiest heeft haar eigen gedeelte in het kleurboek. Aan het eind van het kleurboek zitten nog 2 pagina’s waar je kleurmateriaal of kleurencombinaties  op kunt uit proberen.

Ik heb  4 tekeningen uitgekozen omdat ik iedere tekening op een andere manier wilde inkleuren door verschillende materialen te gebruiken. Ik kijk dus eerst welke materialen ik wil gebruiken en daar zoek ik een tekening bij.

It is a big book, 64 drawings to color…always great, and the pages are single side printed so you can work with all kinds of stuff. Typical Dutch is a project from 8 Dutch artists, Johanna Ans, Arianne Schimmel, Peggy Sue KarundingEllen Wolters, Sabine van Ee, Mireille Westerduin, Marieke Raterman en Inge Boogaers. The boook has different typical Dutch idea’s, seen through the eyes of the artists.
In the beginning of the book are 4 pages with all the drawings in thumbnailsize, for a great overview what to expect. Also 2 pages in the back to try your material.  I first choise my material and than pick 4 drawings that I like to color.

Mijn eerste tekening uit Typical Dutch is een tekening van Marieke Raterman.  Het tulpenmeisje.

Ik gebruik de aquarelpotloden Mondeluz 72 van Koh-I-Noor voor deze tekening omdat deze tekening vrij grote oppervlaktes heeft en naar mijn idee daar goed geschikt voor is. Daarnaast hou ik zelf wel van het fee achtige en bloemen in tekeningen. De tekening heeft strakke lijnen, daar hou ik wel van. Ik doe voor alle zekerheid een a4’tje achter mijn tekening om de tekening die hierna komt te beschermen voor doordrukken.

My first will be the girl with the tulip from Marieke Raterman. I use KIN Mondeluz aquarel pencils, I think the drawing is perfect for the brand, small and big spaces to color. I love fairries and flowers, and the straight linework. Please think about your protectionsheet!

Met de Mondeluz  aquarel potloden kun je overigens ook gewoon kleuren dus je hoeft ze niet perse nat te gebruiken. Dat is erg leuk bijvoorbeeld bij het aanzetten of accentueren van bepaalde gedeeltes in de tekening. Deze aquarel potloden zijn wel moeilijker uit te gummen dan de gewone  kleurpotloden!

You know that you can color normal too with aquarelpencils? That is great to know when you like to put in some extra details after the watercoloring. Those pencils are not easy to erase!

Ik vind het nat bewerken met een waterbrush een beetje te nat worden en dan gaat het papier bobbelen. Ik kreeg een tip om met een dun penseeltje te gaan werken en dit in water te dopen. Daarnaast haalde ik het penseeltje nog over mijn hand voordat ik het op het papier aanbracht, ik vond dit op dit papier wel fijner werken.

Working with the waterbrush is to wet, I learned better use a small brush with water, get the extra water of the brush and than use it, works better for me.

Als je met laagjes wilt werken moet  je het papier echt goed  laten drogen anders gaat het rullen of nog erger….je maakt het papier kapot.

If you like to layer, take care of drying in between, you’re paper can get ruined

Ik heb zelf een achtergrond gemaakt. Maar daar zie ik achteraf de meerwaarde niet van in. Dat was dus helemaal niet nodig geweest.

I made a background my self, and after I did it, I thought, why? Because she did not need it at all!

Ik heb goed met de aquarell potloden kunnen “spelen” . Het was de eerste keer dat ik ze gebruikte en doordat de tekening uit niet al te priegelige stukken bestond kon ik goed oefenen. Ik ben , ondanks de achtergrond, wel tevreden met het resultaat.

I liked playing with the aquarell pencills, it was the first time that I used them and I am happy with the result.

Mijn 2e tekening uit Typical Dutch is de Hindeloopen tekening van Ellen Wolters geworden. Ik heb de Decotime markers gebruikt (die de Action verkoopt en daardoor staan ze ook wel bekend als de Actionmarkers). Deze zijn op alcoholbasis en drukken enorm door, dus ik legde wederom een a4tje achter de tekening. Dit bleek echter niet genoeg want er is helaas toch inkt doorgedrukt op de tekening hierna…dus de volgende keer minimaal 2 a4tjes ter bescherming.

My 2nd drawing is Hindeloopen (a small place in Friesland) from Ellen Wolters. Big background and I like to test if alcoholmarkers really will color without stripes and marks and they didn’t, teh Faber Castell Pitt Brush worked much better. I used the typical colors from Hindeloopen. The markers really do bleed, you see where I start to color, even after the 2nd time.

Ik heb voor deze tekening gekozen omdat deze tekening een grote oppervlakte heeft qua achtergrond. Ik wilde kijken of de markers inderdaad streeploos zijn na aanbrengen. In mijn geval dus niet. Ook bleken er een paar markers al uitgedroogd te zijn waaronder de kleur “cream”. Ik heb daarvoor in plaats de Fabercastell Pitt brush gebruikt.  Naast creme komt de kleur rood, groen en blauw veel terug in de Hindeloopen kunst terug (Hindeloopen is een dorpje in Friesland)

De markers vloeien erg uit op dit papier. De Fabercastell Pitt brush niet. Ik vind de aanzet van de brede punt van de markers duidelijk te zien en ook als ik er een 2e keer over heen ben gegaan. Dus ik vind de markers wel degelijk strepen.

Dit was de eerste keer dat ik met markers werkte dus het kan mijn techniek liggen. Maar ik vind het niet voor herhaling vatbaar.

Ik vond de tekening wel erg leuk om te in te kleuren , ik ging er ook zo in op dat ik helaas vergeten ben tussendoor  foto’s te maken waardoor ik alleen een foto van het eindresultaat heb.

It was the 1st time using Alcoholmarkers, and I did not like it, maybe it is my skills. I forgot to make wip shots in between, sorry!

Mijn 3e tekening uit Typical Dutch is het tafereeltje met de fiets geworden. Deze tekening is van Mireille Westerduin

Ik wilde graag wat diepte in een tekening  zien te bereiken door 2 materialen te gebruiken. Als je de hardere materialen (stiften in dit geval) voorin de tekening gebruikt  en de zachtere materialen (kleurpotloden) achterin, zou je diepte moeten bereiken in de tekening.  De fiets, het hout en de stenen  zijn in het echt ook van hard materiaal  dus vandaar dat ik voor deze tekening heb gekozen.

My 3rd coloring is the bike from Mireille Westerduin. I like to see some depth in my coloring so I will  use pens and pencills in this one. I used the markerpens for the bike, the wood and the stones. I used Maped colorpencills and Bruynzeel markerpens which are very wet, so be carefull for the second layer. When you get some stuff from the paper on your marker, clean it on some kitchenpaper!

Ik heb Maped kleurpotloden gebruikt  en Bruynzeel stiften. Beide zijn budget materialen. Maar ik ben normaliter zelf zeer te spreken over de Maped kleurpotloden.

Ik wilde de Bruynzeel stiften  uitproberen  op dit papier. Ik wilde nagaan of ze doorlopen (naast de lijnen) of niet en hoe snel ze drogen op dit papier. Deze stiften zijn erg nat, daardoor rult dit papier erg snel (met als gevolg vezeltjes op je punt)  en moet je het eerst echt laten drogen eer je er nogmaals over heen wilt gaan. Papier vezeltjes op de punt van je stift  kun je verhelpen door  met je punt over keukenpapier te gaan, de vezels blijven daar dan op.

Het papier absorbeert erg goed , hierdoor krijg je geen strepen. Dat vind ik wel erg fijn . Ik hou er niet van als je aanzetten en krassen ziet.

Paper absorbs pretty good, no stripes at all and I like that!

Met de Maped kleurpotloden heb ik de lucht en het gras gekleurd. Ik vond dit eigenlijk wel tegenvallen, ik vond het potlood op grote oppervlaktes “ hard “ kleuren en daardoor een krasserige resultaat geven.  Uit eigen ervaring weet ik dat dit niet zo is bij kleinere oppervlaktes.

The Maped pencills I used for the sky and grass, and was not that satisfied, it was a “hard” pencil that normaly works pretty fine on small spaces.

Of ik echt extra diepte in de tekening heb kunnen bereiken weet ik eigenlijk niet maar hetgeen wat ik er echt uit wilde laten springen is wel gelukt.

Don’t know if the depht that I wanted is reached, but I like the result!

Als 4e tekening heb ik het Boerenbont servies uitgekozen. Deze tekening is van Sabine van Ee.

Mijn favoriete materiaal is kleurpotloden. Deze tekening besluit ik met een duurder merk in te kleuren, de Faber Castell Polychromos, omdat ik bij de 3e tekening  goedkopere kleurpotloden heb gebruikt . Ik vind dit een goede tekening voor potloden. Kleine stukjes en ook wat grotere stukken en dat vind ik leuk voor kleurverloop.

The 4rd drawing is the Boerenbont pottery from Sabine van Ee. Colored with my favorite pencills Faber Castell Polychromos, the more expensive brand. They worked pretty good on the paper.

Op advies van mijn kleurmaatje Danielle heb ik de kleuren omgedraaid. Boerenbont servies bestaat uit creme met een gekleurd bloemenrandje. Zou ik dat aanhouden dan zou er naar mijn idee wel heel veel wit te zien blijven. Beetje saai dus eigenlijk.

My friend Daniëlle advised me to switch the original colors, the pottery is normally cream with colored flowers. That would be to boring for me.

Op de grote oppervlakte, in dit geval de theepot  en de kop en schotel, moest ik wel een blenderpotlood gebruiken omdat er anders nog teveel papier door de kleur kwam. Ik hou daar zelf niet van. Met een blenderpotlood wrijf je het pigment in het papier. Het wordt daarna wel moeilijker om dan nog een laag kleur er over heen  aan te brengen is mijn ervaring. Dus dit doe ik vaak als laatste.

For the bigger spaces I used a colorless blenderpencill. I do not like to much white spaces in my coloring, so a blender pencil will help you cover that. First do your colors, than your blending, because after that it is not easy to put on some extra color!

Dat je de papiervezeltjes nog ziet in de kleinere oppervlaktes vind ik zelf niet zo storend.

Ik ben zelf heel blij met dit resultaat. Ik hou er zelf erg van om realistisch te kleuren, dus het servies “omgedraaid” inkleuren was een uitdaging voor mij.

Normaly I color realistic, so this was a challenge for me, to turn around the original colors, but I am very pleased with the result.

Wat vind ik van GDG Typical Dutch?

Ik ben enthousiast.  Ik vind het heel leuk dat dit op Nederlandse taferelen /gebruiken is geïnspireerd. Ik vind het ook heel leuk om te zien dat iedere kunstenaar zo zijn eigen kenmerken heeft in het tekenen.  Daarnaast kan je dus met alle materialen in het boek werken, mits niet te nat en door een beschermend papier tussen 2 tekeningen te doen.

What do I think about GDG Tupical Dutch?

I am enthousiastic, very nice the Dutch inspiration. Also great to see that every artist has her own vieuw and way to draw, You can use all kind of material iff you use your protectionsheet and work not to wet! Like to see more of Margreet:

Volg Margreet op Facebook :
of via Instagram: @margreet_koelewijn

Keibedankt Margreet voor je leuke en leerzame review!

typicaldutchThe first typical Dutch in the Global Doodle Gems line, in this book our Dutch artists are represented. The book brings together the Dutchie team. We take you on a journey through our country The Netherlands, from Kinderdijk to Amsterdam, via Hindeloopen to Delft. Of course our typical Dutch delicacies may not be missing, the herring bite, drop and foam blocks, pea soup with rye bread and of course our bitterballen. We are a land of mills and windmills, water and vistas and fixed habits like our Sinterklaas party. On the bike through the tulip fields is a typical Dutch occupation.We wish you lots of fun with your tour through our little country !
See all the pages in this video preview

There is also a Dutch edition available of this book
Typisch Nederlands: Kleuren voor volwassenen (Dutch Edition)



Review of Tim Jeffs “Intricate Ink Animals In Detail” Volume 1

See my review in the video below

Get it here

Skærmbillede 2017-06-16 kl. 18.01.29

Tim Jeffs Links
Buy Tim Jeffs Published Print Books here:
Intricate Ink Animals in Detail Volume 1:
Intricate Ink Animals in Detail Volume 2:
also available on amazon, barnes&noble, book depository or through your local book store

Digital books here:
“DETAILED ANIMAL SKETCHES 1” is available as a digital download from Etsy here:
“DETAILED ANIMAL SKETCHES 2” is available as a digital download from Etsy here:

Other products here:

PRINTS AND POSTERS are available at:
Merchandise here:

Follow Tim Jeffs Art!
Facebook Coloring Group:

Book of the day… The Team Taiwan Collection by Maria Wedel

In this video I take a closer look at The Team Taiwan Collection and the art inside the book see the video below

You can get it here


Artist of the day… Leen Margot Feathers & Dreams

Hi there Check out my Artist of the day featuring Leen Margot and her book Feathers & Dreams see my video below

features this lovely bookFeathers_and_Dreams_Cover_for_Kindle

get it here


Artist of the day…Alfred E. Villanueva GemInsects & HUMANiMORPH

Here is my Artist of the day lookthrough GemInsects by Alfred E. Vllanueva VIWORKSART  see the video

and the Lookthrough of HUMANiMORPH

these 2 lovely books

get them here



GDG “Color the Twelve Days of Christmas” by Alfred E. Villanueva

GDG “Color the Twelve Days of Christmas” by Alfred E. Villanueva

An old traditional little story that tells you about the 12 days before X-Mas, gorgeous drawn by our talented young artist Alfred E. Villanueva. He knows that I am one of his biggest fans, from day one that I saw one of his first drawings. He also became very special for me, as a very good friend oversea! I wish I could go there, to give him a hug and a nice present to wish him Merry Christmas…. but that’s not possible…. but I am Johanna Ans, and you know Alfred, I can give you presents an other way!

My first wish: I want that book colored from the beginning till the end!

My second wish: I want to have that book! So I asked for it, and Maria and she gave me your book Alfred!

Of course the first thing to do, was to take a good look in it…and I am very happy with this beauty! Snowballs and gorgeous artwork! Come on, have a look with me…

My third wish: Find some great colorists from different coloring groups to help me make this a colorful present for you my friend.

My fourth wish: That my wish to do this  for you Alfred will become true….
My fifth wish: One of the most important for me, to give the colorists the right drawings, that fits them to color for you!

My sixth wish: Hear from the colorists that they had fun, coloring you art, that I can help some of them that I specially choosed because I know they are very insecure…

My seventh wish: That you feel the love, that we had for each other to work on this project in secret!

My eighth wish: That you feel the magic that we created together, to give somebody a very special feeling..










My ninth wish: Having 26 colored pieces finished at the right time, to wish you Merry Christmas, this special way…

My tenth wish: That the start of this X-Mas eve, will give you, the spirit that you need to have a great X-Mas with your family and friends









My eleventh wish: That art, color, inspiration, happiness and health will be on your path the next year…

My twelfth wish: That you enjoy the next video that we made for you my friend.

Of course I will tell you the names who colored with me for you, I am grateful Alfred, to have such talented colorists around me, that I can ask to make special things for others, people who stop what they are doing, so they can focus on this project. And believe me, we all had fun. Some told me, oh so much different than what I do normal, others said, they where not easy, but so proud of what I made of it…so your X-Mas spirit that you must have felt making this book, reached out to us all too!

We wish you a Merry Christmas Alfred, with a lot of love from all of us!

Karin Speijer Kamp (Karin’s Kleurplaten)
Manuela Badr (Kleuren voor volwassenen)
Tammy Avivi (Tammy Coloring with Friends)
Manuela Bremer (Manuela Bremer)
Véro Pignot (Vero Pignot Colos)
Laurence Roucou
Elisabeth Ecrepont (Les colos d’Enebe en folie)
Dany Deforce
Ellen Wolters (Ellenstraties)
Rinske Meutstege (Rinske Colours)
Patricia Swinkels (Patries Kleurt – Reviewt)
Daniëlle de Rooij
Ellen Bruins
Maaike van Zwan (maaike .kleurplaten)
Johanna Ans (Johanna Ans My creative side)

This Holiday season you can by this book yourself for a very special price, only $3.99, that’s a kind of gift to you all!
Click on the link and you will become in our GDG Store:

Color The Twelve Days of Christmas: A Magical Christmas Coloring Book
A 25 single page coloring book inspired by the Christmas song “The Twelve Days of Christmas” by Alfred E. Villanueva
get it here


Global Doodle Gems & Kleurglossy (Translation of the article)

Global Doodle Gems & Kleurglossy (Translation of the article)

You all knew that we are in the Dutch magazine “Kleurglossy” from publisher Personalia, but for the most of you, it was not possible to read the article…of course I thought of a solution, and asked my friend and colorist Leo Delescen (AKA Nightcolorist) to translate the article for you. Thank you very much for your time Leo!
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We had a small talk about our great book GDG “The directory of Who’s Who”. It is a petty that they forgot to mention the blog about the book, that the biggest colorgroup of The Netherlands made, “Kleuren voor Volwassenen”. Because that was a part of this adventure! But let us start, so you can read yourself!

Global Doodle Gems is a worldwide collaboration of over 130 committed artists, illustrators and colorists. It was launched last year by 42 year old Danish artist Maria Wedel. And it catches on. By now almost a hundred coloring books have been published with contributions of countless Global Doodle Gems artists. And it is still counting… A conversation with Maria and her Dutch right hand Johanna Ans van den Broek about the how and why of this colorful initiative.

It all started when I received requests from several artists within my network for coloring in my drawings before I myself had the time for that. That’s funny, I thought, maybe this is a way to bring together artists who love drawing and coloring together. Without hindrance of publishers who’s only goal is to make profit but instead the possibility of publishing by a group of people and keep ownership of our own work. Thus the idea of Global Doodle Gems sprang into life in 2015. So I already posessed a network of artists. I decided to ask them if they would be interested in joining me.Within no time a group of 50 people was formed. And now there are already 130 enthusiastic and creative people in this collaboration.


The Global Doodle Gems netwerk is spreading and extending. From the Philippines to Taiwan and from the United States to Denmark. Those who want to join the worldwide network must of course have a lot to offer but in particular they must have a distinctive style of drawing. At the moment there are eight Dutch participants active in the Global Doodle Gems network. One of them is 50 year old Johanna Ans van den Broek who came in contact with Maria Wedel indirectly: “I knew Maria’s work and the idea of creating a companionship of like minded people appealed to me very much, especially the part where you always keep ownership of your work. Often a coloring picture or book is published by a publisher who then owns copyright and also receives all additional revenues. At Global Doodle Gems the artists are put first. It is a wonderful platform to share work, both for newbies and advanced artists.


The good thing is that we all love to draw and to colored but each has his or her own style. And that is exactly what we want to achieve: to bring together all the different styles into one unique color experience. So you work individually but make a book together. We publish several kinds of books, including the so called Volume books which contain sixty coloring pictures by ten different artists. Those whitin our network who are interested can subscribe in advance. The only demand is that the drawing must be ‘clean’, so no traces of erasing, pencil strokes or sloppy lines. The picture must be ready to be colored in immediately. Maria is the one who coordinates all requests. “Sometimes this causes stress. There are quite a lot of people I have to ‘manage’ and things to handle. Luckily Johanna Ans provides support and help, like promotional work as there is the maintenance of our Facebook page or writing blogs for our website.”


To Johanna Ans Global Doodle Gems means more than drawing and writing blogs: “It’s an outlet, or rather a lifebuoy that came at the exact right moment in my life. For some time now I have been struggling with my health. In 2013 I suffered from a brain hemorrhage. I was depressed and had mood swings. Thanks to my work for Global Doodle Gems some tranquility came back into my life. And even more, it restore confidence. Sketching, coloring and writing give me joy. I color since I was eight years old and I’m happy to say that this passion never goes away. Coloring is a thing that comes from deep inside, out of the heart. I always tell others: you don’t need to stay within the lines, just let yourself go. Practice the ‘just do whatever you like’ technique. And it really does not matter with which materials you color. Whether they are inexpensive colored pencils from a budget store like Lidl or a beautiful Caran d’Ache Pablo set (which by the way are my favorites): it’s the hand that colors, not the material.”


At the moment Johanna Ans is working on projects……
….that have a Dutch dimension: “I cannot tell much at this stage but together with some Dutch Doodle Gems artists we are working on a book titled “Typical Dutch” which will contain coloring pictures with typical Dutch subjects like windmills and cheese. Also I am working on “Wood you color me”? It’s all in the name: it is a coloring book that revolves around wood. The cover is colored in by Wendy Hofstee of Wendy Kleurt! I was also involved with making the Global Doodle Gems book “Directory of Who’s Who” (in this issue of Kleurglossy you can find several drawings from this publication). This book is published in cooperation with Adult Coloring Worldwide and is aimed at adult colorists. In it there are 119 designs on as many pages with mentioning the name of the artist. A beautiful coloring book that lets you meet the artists and their styles. Oh, and I will publish a calender book. Not to mention all the regular duties.


Not only Johanna Ans is very active within the Global Doodle Gems community, all artists are. New titels are published every month. Besides the Volume books Global Doodle Gems publishes theme books (like flowers or mandalas) and seasonal books (Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Valentine Day). The Volume Mini collection is also popular. “And so covenient! The paperback size fits your bag perfectly. It’s nice to take with you and color in a train or while waiting somewhere”, Johanna Ans says. The books sell very well in the USA but in Netherlands and other countries they do well also. “We have so many talented artists in our ranks. Not only women but men also. From Taiwan there are Mr. End and Pica Wu. And from the Philipines our very talented young man Alfred E. Villanueva. Sketching for Global Doodle Gems provides him with the opportunity for a better life. I am glad that he is well. Looking at myself, I cannot make a living of the revenues. But that is not what I am aiming at. For me Global Doodle Gems is a meaningful way to pass the time. And if at the end I do manage to make a profit than that’s all the better.” Johanna Ans says.


Now that Global Doodle Gems made a successful start it is time to grow further according to Maria. The ultimate goal is to become the largest independent publisher of coloring books. At the moment it is mainly charitable work but in the long run it has to become profitable. “We finance new publications with the profits of existing ones, after settling the artist’s royalties. Profits of the mini books where artists participate voluntarily benefit Global Doodle Gems entirely. As for the rest, we try to draw attention in all possible ways. In countries where we are represented our artists show the public who we are and what we do via Facebook and by other means. But the most important thing is that we provide colorists around the world a beautiful and unique coloring experience.”

10 drawings from the book where choosen to be in the “Kleurglossy” to try out for the colorist…
Artist Ahmed Fouad and Alfred E. Villanueva
Artist Arianne Schimmel and Bev Choy
Artist Casey Gillmore and Johanna Ans
Artist Laurie Beauchamp and Lynni Ex
Artist Ondine Summers and Peggy Sue

I do have the blog made by Kleuren voor Volwassenen, so you can take a look at it right here!

I hope that you like it, to read about our interview and Global Doodle Gems… I little more background information of who we are and what we do.

See you in a next blog
Colorful greetings Johanna Ans & team Global Doodle Gems


GDG “The Big Little Book of X-mas Ornaments” Vol. 1 & 2 by Maria Wedel & Johanna Ans

GDG “The Big Little Book of X-mas Ornaments” Vol. 1 & 2 by Maria Wedel & Johanna Ans

It is almost there, Christmas is coming… are you already coloring or making your X-Mas cards? Maybe we have some lovely help for you…to color…to cut out….make a card or X-mas ornament of it. Two big fat minibooks are made for you to have a lot of fun with it. I already had, I draw, and colored tons of it, of course to make those beautiful covers for the books in the first place.

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Maria took care of the templates, and after that we both start to fill in the ornaments, wit patterns, funny faces, small drawings, all kinds of ornaments so you will find your favorites!
Let us take a look inside the books, start with Volume 1

That are a lot of ornaments to color for you, isn’t it…but there is more! Take a look with me in Volume 2

I colored almost a 100 of those ornaments, I will show you some examples. You can see them already on the cover, but it looks better for you when you see it also with the white background….
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I colored this X-Mas sock with Derwent Inktense, lovely bright colors to use

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After I put my X-mas colors on paper I get my Sakura Koi Waterbrush, and make the colors even more bright. I love those pencils! I finish my sock with some beautiful golden gelpen, Sakura Gelly Roll Metallic, one of my favorite gelpens.

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You can color in traditional, but also do it just the way that it fits with your X-Mas decorations that you already have… I colored all different ways, so I hope to send the best choice to my family and friends, fitting with there style! Chique Black, White and Red… Colored with Sharpies, Uniball Signo white gelpen and ShinHan alcoholmarkers.
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Or colorful Rainbow X-Mas… Easy coloring with Sharpies and Stabilo 68
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And what about the funny X-Mas, for those who have kids, I think they would love to color funny faces like these! I used Derwent Inktense, Spectrum Noir Markers and my Stabilo 88 Fineliners for the last one, just a different style to color, make patterns!
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And there are of course the animal lovers, who also do there X-Mas mood in Pawstyle, we thought about that too!
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But I also start to craft, to make a X-mas card, that also can be used as a X-mas ornament for the receiver, without losing the X-Mas wishes on the card…. I will show you in a small video…

So you can see, you can have some lovely evenings, coloring and make your own special cards and decorations, by yourself, or with your whole family. If you like to have a copy yourself, you can find the GDG “Big Little Books of X-Mas Ornaments” right here…

The Big Little Book of Xmas Ornaments 1: Christmas coloring fun for all ! (Volume 1)

101 single page big decorated Christmas ornaments to color and have fun with, So here is “The Big Little Book of Xmas Ornaments” 1. There are pages for all levels of coloring, so the whole family can enjoy this and have fun with it … lots of possibilities cut out your designs and use for Christmas cards … or use for Christmas Decorations … or just enjoy coloring in the book ….

The Big Little Book of Xmas Ornaments 2: Christmas coloring fun for all ! (Volume 2)

101 single page big decorated Christmas ornaments to color and have fun with, So here is “The Big Little Book of Xmas Ornaments” 2. There are pages for all levels of coloring, so the whole family can enjoy this and have fun with it … lots of possibilities cut out your designs and use for Christmas cards … or use for Christmas Decorations … or just enjoy coloring in the book ….

Have a lot of fun upcoming X-Mas time, decorate your houses, make family happy with nice wishes and cards, love your family and friends…

Your blogger Johanna Ans & Global Doodle Gems. You can also join our fangroup Global Doodle Gems, to be part of our family, share your favorite colored work or find some inspiration to color yourself!


GDG “Annual Colorist Choice”, host review by Inge Boogaers-Kanters

GDG “Annual Colorist Choice”, host review by Inge Boogaers-Kanters

This gorgeous cover is colored by a great colorist, Véro Pignot, she brought these drawings alive like a dream!

Do you like to see the rest of the book too, than enjoy this video with me….

I sendet this book to Inge Boogaers, just after she became the newest Dutch Global Doodle Gems Artist, to see what GDG is about, and to meet her new digital colleges. Let’s hear what she has to tell us about GDG “Annual Colorist Choice Collection” Volume 1.

“When I received this coloringbook I was really surprised! It has a great amount of coloringpages in it and they are so different in style! You almost never see that in a coloringbook, because normally a coloringbook is made by one artist. The concept off Global Doodle Gems, worldwide artists collected in one book is fantastic. Let me explain to you why”.

“I am a person who loves all kind of styles to color. I think I am not the only one to say that I normally buy almost every coloringbook I run in to. I just like them all! That means I have a great collection of coloringbooks, and they are everywhere. Sometimes I am going through all these books to find something I would like to color at that specific moment and it always ends up in a great mess”.

“Now there comes in the Global Doodle Gems Coloringbook! If you like all different styles but you don’t want a cabinet full of books or you just don’t have the money to buy them all, this is the perfect book. Because it represents so many artists you have got a big amount of styles and drawings in just one book! Just go through the book and you will find that one drawing you are just in the mood for. Are you going on a trip? You just have to pack one book 🙂 …..and this book is a trip around the world of Art for itself”.

“Well, enough about that. When I opened the book I was a little worried about the paper. It’s looks quit thin if you compare to coloringbooks you buy in your local bookstore. When I started coloring I discovered my worries were gone immediately”.

“The paper is very, very good quality for all kind of materials. I worked with different coloringpencils, alcoholmarkers, Koh-I-Noor aquarel wax pencils, Tombow Dual Brush pens and Sakura Koi Brush pens. It all works great on the paper and I must say as a markerfreak, I never had a book where the colors ended up so bright! I really love it. If your favourite material to color are alcoholmarkers too, than I can really recommend this book because that one thing we always worry about is thought of! All coloringpages are printed on one side of the book. You don’t have to worry you lose the drawing on the back and that is really great. Off course you need to put a piece of paper between the page you are working on and the next page, but if you work with alcoholmarkers you already know that I guess”.

“Another nice thing I noticed  is the information on the left side pages. There you can find for each drawing the name of the artist and the country where they are from. I really like that, because this way they give artists the credits they deserve instead of being put up anonymous in a coloringbook. Way to go Global Doodle Gems”!

“This specific book is a special one. The book starts with an information page explaining where this book is about and some words from the judges. I will quote the first part for you so you have an idea what kind of coloringbook this is”:

“We had a huge nomination round on our Global Doodle Gems Coloring Group, colorists nominated their favorite drawings by submitting their colored pieces from Global Doodle Gems Books published from the first year July 2015 to April 2016. Over 500 drawings were nominated for the book. We had A jury of 7 judges from the large Coloring Groups Worldwide, vote on their favorites and here is the result. We hope you will enjoy it!”

“It was hard to make a choice, but I choose 8 totally different works to color. I will show the pictures and tell about the material I worked with and about the drawing and how it is to color it”.

Topaz Monarch Butterfly by Alfred E. Villanueva from The Philippines
It has been published in ‘GemInsects
Colored with:  Different kind of alcoholmarkers

Ladybug girl by Bev Choy from the USA
Its has been published in Global Doodle Gems Volume 1
Colored with:  Alcoholmarkers and coloring pencils

Mandala by Ena Tera Art from Granada, Spain
It has been published in Global Doodle Gems Volume 7
Colored with:  Alcoholmarkers and a Blender marker

Cat by MWMS – Johanna Ans from The Netherlands
It has been published in Cat Gems
Colored with:  Alcoholmarkers and coloring pencils

Girl with baby Dragon by Laurie Beauchamp from the USA
It has been published in Dazzling Dragons
Colored with: Alcoholmarkers and A Blender marker

Flowers by Leaf Yeh from Taiwan
It has been published in Global Doodle Gems Flowers Collection Volume 2
Colored with:  Alcoholmarkers, Coloring pencils and background with Koh-I-Noor Wax Aquarell pencils

Twister coloring page by Maria Wedel from Denmark
Its has been published in The Twister Book Chill Pill Volume 1
Colored with: Sakura Koi Brush pens and Tombow Dual brush pens


Love Tree by Peggy Sue’s Artwork from The Netherlands
It has been published in Global Doodle Gems Valentines Collection Volume 1
Colored with: Marco Raffine Coloring Pencils


I want to say that most drawings have no name, but I named them for myself so it will be more clear what work I am writing about. I hope the artists don’t mind.

My experience:
I really love this book. A big plus for:

*the variety of drawings,
*the one sided coloringpages,
*the quality of the paper,
*the artists credits (I think that is important),
*and off course the great artworks.

Are there any negative things? Well, not really, but if I have to mention something I would say it is sometimes hard to read the names because of the font that is used. I think the font is a little old-fashioned, and not one that atracts younger adults, but that is my personal opinion of course!

For aquarel I wouldn’t use it, because I don’t think the paper will stay in good shape with water, like 99% of the coloringbooks available in the world.

It is only available at Amazon and it would be great if you could buy this book, and the other Global Doodle Gems books, in local stores.

I hope you enjoyed my review and if you are going to buy the book I am very sure you won’t regret it!

 Inge Boogaers-Kanters

Do you like to join our club and be a member of our Global Doodle Gems Fangroup, please jump in, meet other great colorists and our artists.
And if you like to buy a copy yourself, be my guest and push the button below!

Thank you very much Inge for your great review, you did a hell of a job!

Your blogger Johanna Ans



GDG Weirdiesfun Maria Wedel & Johanna Ans-Tiger Alcoholmarkertest-HalloweenFreebies

GDG Weirdiesfun Maria Wedel & Johanna Ans-Tiger Alcoholmarkertest-HalloweenFreebies

Let’s have some fun with Weirdies, that was the note from Maria to me…. She did some great drawings, to color for me in front….and oh, yeah, what a fun I had…. I got 50 beautiful funny, creapy, rare, lovely Weirdies to color…. and for me, it would become a test too…. This is “just” a project from the both of us, in between…. what it will become, we don’t know yet..

How far can I color with a brand new set of 24 Tiger Alcoholmarkers, cheap markers, with beautiful bright colors…. I was convinced that I could make 50 with one set…. and I made it! Some of my markers run out of ink at drawing 33, but than I put them away for a night, up side down, and they work again…and sometimes, I had to make color combinations, that I normally should not make…so that was a surprise for myself too! At the end, I squeezed them, used the thick point if it was possible with some colors…but I still have some ink left!

Look, what I made of it…..

You can make your own Weirdies too, Maria made also two freebies for you to color, Halloween Weirdies. I colored them too of course, and made a lot of scans, to make you those video’s to show…

Meet my MrHalloWeirdo

happy-halloweirdo nr-31-mw-jh-100dpi-113

And there must be a HalloQueen too to be… I loved coloring her…

halloqueen nr-38-mw-jh-100dpi-92

We are really curious what you will make of your freebie…and we like to see it on our Fangroup Global Doodle Gems too, so we can collect the colorings, and put them in a blog or video too if you like, of course we mention your name!

If you like to stay updated, what we are doing, whats new on the shelves, please take a look on our official page Global Doodle Gems

See you in the next blog….that will be about the new book from my collegue Laurie Beauchamp, Teacup Treasures, very cute little animals in teacups, so much fun to color!

have a great day / evening, your blogger Johanna Ans & Maria Wedel

GDG”Halloween Volume 3″

GDG “Halloween Volume 3”

Yes , it is almost there….The Halloween celebration. Are you gonna celebrate? We from Global Doodle Gems will, with again a gorgeous book to color for you!
Let us take a creepy sneaky view into this Volume 3…. we might become scared!

I will show you some colored scary pieces to inspire you…
Those are from my own hand, it is more funny then creapy hahaha, but you can make them look as scary as you want!
I colored mine with Sharpies, Stabilo 68 and a Sakura Sparkles gold gelpen, and a little Spectrum Noir for the shades in the Spider
halloween-vol-3-johanna-ans halloween-vol-3-johanna-ans-spider

The next drawings and colorings are done by artist Nancy Liu, gorgeous work! The first is also used on the cover, a very deserved spot!
halloween-vol-3-nancy-liu-cover halloween-vol-3-nancy-liu

Also a very talented artist and colorist is Jodi Ho from Taiwan, I really love this work!
halloween-vol-3-jodi-ho-1 halloween-vol-3-jodi-ho-2

Artist and colorist Jenny Wei, also from Taiwan, did a beautiful job on those two!
halloween-vol-3-jennie-wei halloween-vol-3-jenny-wei

And what about this masterpiece, yes of course it is our frontcover artpiece, done by Rover Hsiao, isn’t she creapy gorgeous?
I hope you will be impressed by what I showed you so far…because there will be more in the next blog about Halloween. If you want yourself a copy, I will make it easy for you and put in a link for you!

Halloween Collection 3: Halloween Adult Coloring Book (Global Doodle Gems Halloween Collection) (Volume 3)

Global Doodle Gems Halloween Collection coloring book offers you 55 designs to color from 18 artists. We have come together to create a one of a kind coloring experience! Having a wide variety of artists will allows us to accommodate more levels of color enthusiasts! Wishing you a colortastic journey … with our third Halloween Collection from “Global Doodle Gems”!




And for if you don’t remember our last years Halloweenbooks, I will give you a reminder…. Maybe you like to have the whole collection together, just like I will…. Before I even never did any Halloweencoloring at all, but with my first set to draw, I got inspired, tickled, and becae a Halloweenfan!

“Global Doodle Gems” Halloween Collection Volume 1: “The Ultimate Coloring Book…an Epic Collection from Artists around the World! “
Global Doodle Gems Halloween Collection coloring book offers you 52 designs to color from 26 artists. We have come together to create a one of a kind coloring experience! Having a wide variety of artists will allows us to accommodate more levels of color enthusiasts! Wishing you a colortastic journey … with our very first Volume Halloween Collection from “Global Doodle Gems”!

Click on pic to shop now !


Here wo go on a exciting tour through GDG “Halloween Volume 2”

“Global Doodle Gems” Halloween Collection Volume 2: “The Ultimate Coloring Book…an Epic Collection from Artists around the World! “
Global Doodle Gems Halloween Collection coloring book offers you 50 designs to color from 25 artists. We have come together to create a one of a kind coloring experience! Having a wide variety of artists will allows us to accommodate more levels of color enthusiasts! Wishing you a colortastic journey … with our second Volume Halloween Collection from “Global Doodle Gems”!

Click on pic to shop now !

So, as you can see, there is a lot of Halloweenfun to color, our prices are lowered, so it will be affortable for everyone in the world…. Because celebrate is more fun, with a lot of people!

See you in the next blog, Johanna Ans & team Global Doodle Gems…. Oh, and don’t forget, take a look on our fangroup FB Global Doodle Gems, be a part of us, meat the artists and a lot of colorists!




Global Doodle Gems B-Day Party for Maria Wedel, Twist’A’Dala book volume 1

Global Doodle Gems B-Day Party for Maria Wedel, Twist’A’Dala book volume 1

Yihaaaa, happy Birthday Maria…. in the meantime you know me a little (!) and a lot of our colorists too! Months ago I started to collect your blank pages from the Twist’A’Dala book…and now I will show you why! For those who do not know the book…. here is the gorgeous colored cover, colored by Ellen Wolters, and the fliptrough of the book! I warn you, once you start to color it, you won’t be able to stop!

Maria Wedel Twist a Dala volume 1

I asked a lot of people from all over the world to help me color as many of the drawings I could share as possible…. And almost every one of them also made Work In Progress shots…so there is a lot to insprire you.. Let us start with the first video!

There were so many pictures that I had to make more videos of them.. I hope you like seeing all these drawings come alive!

Colorists from France, Australia, America, Taiwan, The Netherlands and more were involved in this secret B-Day surprise for Maria…. I would love to be the fly on the wall to see her face when she sees all this!

Even the colorings that I found on Global Doodle Gems Fangroup are included! You can join us if you like, meet 1000s and 1000s of colorists, even meet the artists, and see a lot of beautiful colorings and artwork….

Maria is an artist all the way, she also makes big big drawings and colorings, and a year ago she had this dream, to build Global Doodle Gems, a collaboration for artists from all over the world, to make gorgeous adult coloring books… she has published almost 100 books to date, in just one year….

Nice hey, to see all those gorgeous colorings…. I like to see what people can make from the same drawing, it ends up a totally different picture … every body has their own style or creativity. There is no limit, as long as you have fun coloring your piece, then it will be great work! Let the color come from you inner child, from your heart. Don’t think too much about how to…just have fun, and go with the flow!

I will show you the last video…all the finished pieces one after another. Thank you all my friends that helped me to make this for Maria, without your help, I could not make this surprise from all this gorgeous work!

Maria, you laid your hand on the artists of the world, you gave us opportunities that we dare not even dream of, thanks to you, we come from around the world…. That’s what the coloring of Peggy Sue Karunding tells us…. I will give it this extra attention, because it is gorgeous!
nr 26 Peggy Sue (30)

Congratulations Maria, from all of us, for your Birthday, and for the first Anniversary of Global Doodle Gems

If you like to have a copy of your own…please be my guest!

The Twist’A’Dala Chill Pill: Global Doodle Gems presents The Twist’A’Dala Chill Pill

The Twist’A’Dala Chill Pill is a coloring book for all ages and levels, as hard as you make it or as easy as you wish, my personal stress relief and chill time, is when I sit and draw these twister drawings… choose your wave according to your mood … wishing you a colortastic time with it !

Click on pic to shop now !

Your blogger Johanna Ans and a lot of colorists!


Cobwebs and transparancy by Karin’s Kleurplaten (Karin Speijer Kamp)

Spinnenwebben en andere transparante afbeeldingen

Ik merk dat ik de laatste tijd veel vragen krijg over hoe ik iets doe. Ik vind dat zelf moeilijk uitleggen omdat ik ook vaak maar wat uitprobeer. Mijn laatste probeersel was om iets transparant te krijgen. Ik was met de Uilenplaat bezig uit Rhapsody in the forest en ik kwam daar lampionplantjes tegen ( heb ik wel even na moeten vragen )

Karin gets a lot of questions about how she does what she do. She says that it sometimes is difficult to explain, because she also has to try out the new things. She was working on a coloring in the book Rhapsody in the forest, and there she saw the Chinese Lantern plant.



Terwijl ik met de kleurplaat bezig was, zat ik maar te verzinnen, hoe ga ik dat aanpakken ? Ga ik dat met een glitterpen doen ? En eerlijk gezegd ging ik steeds langzamer kleuren omdat ik gewoon niet wist wat ik er mee aan moest. En toen ineens kreeg ik een ingeving .. stippelen

While Karin was busy coloring, all the time she had to think about, how am I gonna do that? Will I use sparkelpen? She was coloring slower and slower, not knowing what to do…and there came the idea!… stippling!!!

Zo moest het dus worden, dus begrijpen jullie waar ik mee zat ? haha

That’s what it should become, do you feel how I felt?

En zo is het geworden… ik vind het zelf wel goed gelukt, maar het blijft moeilijk om iets natuurgetrouw na te kleuren.

And this became the result… I think Karin did a very good job, mentioning that she says, it is hard sometimes to true to nature.


Nu was ik voor Global Doodle Gems bezig met een Halloween kleurplaat, met een aantal spinnenwebben en daar heb ik dat ook op deze manier gedaan. ( deze kan ik nog niet laten zien ) maar ik heb wel een klein filmpje gemaakt met een kleurplaat uit mijn geheime tuin.

Karin was busy with a coloring for Global Doodle Gems, for Halloween volume 3, with a couple of cobwebs, that was the second tryout with this technique (can not be shown for now). But we know Karin, where there is a problem, there is also a solution, she started a coloring in The Secret garden and made a small video.





Ik wil Ans bedanken voor de tip om dit online te zetten en ik hoop dat jullie er wat aan hebben.

Karin thanks me for the tip to blog it, but I think that we all have to thank Karin that she will share this beautifull idea with us. So we can learn to do this ourselves!

This time a copy cat blogger, with permission from Karin Speijer Kamp, to use this very usefull information and excamples

Johanna Ans & team Global Doodle Gems




GDG “The Team Taiwan Collection 1”

GDG “The Team Taiwan Collection 1”

I think that I will make an unfair review this time… why…I am a big fan from Team Taiwan… they are a team of such talented artists, and the way they color…. damn, it always makes me feel small, when I do my best on there drawings…But I love their work, and I really love to color their work….so I just do my thing… and they are happy and greatfull with my “thing”… and they like it…. Yes, I am not afraid to tell you all that I am insecure too sometimes….. Look at this gorgeous cover to start!
The beautifull front cover is designed and colored by Lilan Chen. The back cover is designed by Angel Huang and colored by Leaf Yeh. I wonder when they both made these drawings that it would become such a great opposite to eachother…. They really fit together for me!

This cover made me laugh out loud, look at the grumphy lady on the backcover… I hear her think “Why is she on the front?….” And the lady on the frontcover, she looks so secure about her beauty, her bodylanguage tells me “Don’t you see that I am the prettiest”, hahaha

Good start to take a look inside this book, a Bon Voyage, a Nice Trip….

And o my gosh, I see so many lovely, gorgeous, great, fantastic drawings…I want this book! I am happy that I was invited by Team Taiwan to color with them…and started with creatures that I never colored before…yes, I colored a Robot … My first thought was, that’s for boys to color…and my second thought was… There is as much male in me as female, I am that strong, I am that hairy, now I have the change to be that guy…And I had a lot of fun…. and I was happy with my result!
WIP-Johanna-100dpi Video (18)
I want you to see what comment Alexius gave me after I posted my “Robot” on Team Taiwan Group

Alexius Hsing Oh my god! That really brought out the spirit of the alien robot. Thanks Johanna 😀

Johanna Ans Thanks, glad that you are happy with my coloring!

Alexius Hsing The colour is just what I have imagined for the alien robot. Thanks so much.

Yeah!!! That gave me confidence…. so let’s do “Warriors” too hahaha… now I am into the Valkerie spirit…. And again I grabbed my Spectrum Noir Markers to color
WIP-Johanna-100dpi Video (35)
I know, that’s the girl in me, the colors are maybe to soft, but I am a “peace” girl, let’s say, that I would impress the enemy with soft colors, and with a girl in front of the strong warriors this war will end very soon… My story… hmm, let me be a kid too sometimes even when I am 50 years young!

But I am keeping your view on my colorings, I better start showing you what Team Taiwan colored, let them impress and inspire you…. Yes, I am into the video too of course, we collect as much as we can…and we are still coloring… but for the first video, a really nice collection!

Now you see, why I sometimes be scared to be one of their colorists…. they are so talented…make such a great work… I hope someday that I can fly over to Taiwan, to visit them, and see how they use their brands, their materials, see there techniques,…I will watch them all, and learn of them… I also know, that they work pretty hard, they all help eachother out, to make as much as possible collorings…. maybe we all could learn of that… And whenever I ask them to help me out, for myself, or for a surprise to color for somebody, they never say no…. Yes Team Taiwan, that’s how I feel about you…But, I can show you a little from the desks of colorists from team Taiwan, I had some great folders to use too, with work in progress shots…so it looks like we can look over the shoulder of the colorist! I made this video for you to inspire you….

I hope that I gave you a great trip through this book…. that you like it as much as I do…. There will be more and more to show you,and i thought, I will safe it for the next blog…. But in the meantime that I was working on the video’s and write the blog, did I even think that Team Taiwan was sleeping? No way, my Google Drive box got filled up again…so I had to work again… just like they do… another video to inspire you!

…If you like to start to color your own copy, be our guest

The Team Taiwan Collection 1: Adult Coloring book 25 Artists 60 Designs (Volume 1)An unique Collection from Global Doodle Gems Team Taiwan, 25 artists 60 single page designs, offering you great variety and lots of hours of coloring fun. Artists featured in this collection are Mr. End, Lin Chiu, Damy Teng, Wenyu Lin Small Fish, Rover Hsiao, Wanting Huang, Pica Wu, Nancy43, Lilan Chen, M. Lin, Chou Yu-Jin, Angel Huang, Happy Fishhhhhh, Leaf Yeh, Jodi Ho, Jenny Wei, Pajun Chen, Wen Kung, Hung Ai-Ling, Debbie Lai, Mina Hsiao, Jennifer Rainbow Beryllium, Kimiko Maeda & Jean Li

You also can find gorgeous work from Team Taiwan in our newest book GDG “The Annual Colorist Choice” a special price in the month of July 2016 because of our GDG B-Day to celebrate!

Annual Colorists Choice Collection Volume 1: Adult Coloring Book Global Doodle Gems Ultimate Collection

Ultimate Global Doodle Gems Adult Coloring Collection… Chosen by colorists ! We had a huge nomination round on our Global Doodle Gems Coloring Group, colorists nominated their favorite drawings by submitting their colored pieces from the Global Doodle Gems Books published from the first year July 2015 to April 2016. Over 500 Drawings were nominated for the book. We had a Jury of 7 Judges from the large Coloring Groups, vote on their favourites and here is the result, We hope you will enjoy it ! The Cover was colored by Vero Pignot and the colored piece on the cover was chosen from all the nominated colored pieces… then Vero was asked to color the back with the portrait of Maria Wedel, the founder of Global Doodle Gems, in the same style. Cover drawings are by Orbleu’s and Alfred E. Villanueva.

I had fun to write this blog, hope that you had fun too

Your blogger Johanna Ans & Team Global Doodle Gems





Preview!! Sneak Peak!! GDG “Weekly B-Day calendar / Familyplanner…whatever you want!

Preview!! Sneak Peak!! GDG “Weekly B-Day calendar / Family-planner…whatever you want!

Yes, you read it right, you can make from this book whatever you want it to be…because it is unique; unique because of the collaboration of gorgeous artists brought together by Johanna Ans, and unique because of no date, no days, so you can start whenever you want, and use it the way you want! I have to say, that when I started this idea, that I chose my favorite artists of that moment, I really love the work of those artists! 52 drawings made by Peggy Sue Karunding, Alfred E. Villanueva, Maria Wedel, Joseph Shivery and Johanna Ans

5 different artists, 5 totally different styles to color….. Covercolorist Nancy van Acker, really happy with the result!
Mix calendar cover

Ja, je leest het goed, je kan van dit boek maken wat jij wil…. omdat het uniek is, een unieke “verzameling” van artiesten bij elkaar gebracht door Johanna Ans, en uniek omdat het geen jaartal bevat, geen dagen ingevuld, zodat jij kunt maken van jou boek wat jij wil en beginnen wanneer jij wil! Ik moet jullie wel bekennen, toen ik met dit idee op de proppen kwam, ik wel voor de op dat moment voor mij favoriete tekenaars heb gekozen, ik ben nu eenmaal dol op hun werk! 52 platen om in te kleuren, getekend door Peggy Sue Karunding, Alfred E. Villanueva, Maria Wedel, Joseph Shivery en Johanna Ans


I also asked two colorists if they wanted to help me by coloring the whole calendar for us, in secret…and for themselves…..because after they where finished they had their own unique calendar too! The first preview I will show you is the video from Nancy van Acker from Belgium.

Ik heb twee inkleurders gevraagd in het geheim met mij mee te kleuren, de hele kalender… en natuurlijk tegelijk voor henzelf, zodat nadat ze klaar waren gelijk de unieke kalender voor henzelf hadden! De eerste ingekleurde versie die ik jullie wil laten zien, is die van Nancy van Acker uit België

Nancy’s vision on her project:

A while ago I got the chance to work on a new project from GDG, a weekly B-Day calendar. Again a B-Day calendar you might think… another one?…. but you will see, that’s a wrong thought. This is a Calendar with drawings from different artists, and some of the best! I started to color my calendar, all 52 drawings, it was not that easy, but so very much fun to do. When I colored my whole set I took it to a print shop, and made it spiral-bound and I am so proud of my work. So I want to say to everybody, buy this unique calendar for yourselves, one to be proud of when you are finished. I for one am really really proud of mine, and also very proud that I was able to color the work of such talented artists.

Kind regards, Nancy

Een tijd geleden kreeg ik de kans om mee te werken aan een nieuw project van GDG, namelijk een verjaardagkalender. Een verjaardagkalender zou je zeggen…. de zoveelste …… niets is minder waar. Dit is een kalender samengesteld uit tekeningen van verschillende artiesten en niet van de minste. Ik startte met het inkleuren van de kalender, 52 tekeningen , het was een huzarenstukje maar o zo leuk. Toen alles ingekleurd was heb ik hem laten inbinden en ik ben er super trots op. Dus aan iedereen, schaf jezelf een unieke verjaardagkalender aan, een die je zelf ingekleurd hebt. Ik ben in elk geval super trots op mijn kalender en trots dat ik de kleurplaten van zulke getalenteerde artiesten mocht inkleuren. 

Groetjes van Nancy

Here is one of my own filled in pages, as an example to show you how I use mine, because I also have finished all 52 pages in color, to inspire you, but also, because I wanted to use it and show it to others that come into my house! My sis also got the book for her B-Day, because she is one of my biggest supporters in here…and she is really really proud of the colored version…

Één van mijn ingekleurde pagina’s, ingevuld ook, om jullie een voorbeeld te geven hoe ik mijn boek gebruik. Ik heb wel ook alle 52 pagina’s al ingekleurd, om jullie te inspireren, maar ook omdat ik die trots wil showen aan iedereen die in mijn huis komt. Mijn zussie heeft ook een volledig ingekleurde versie gekregen van mij, mijn grootste supporter hier… en ze is echt apetrots op haar ingekleurde versie…

This book with 5 different artists in it will be published very soon by Global Doodle Gems…but it will not be the only one… I also did a whole book by myself, 52 pages to color from Johanna Ans…. but I will show you the inside in the next preview!

My cover is also finished, a sneak peak of my coloring!
Johanna Individual Calendar

Dit boek gaat binnenkort gepubliseerd worden door Global Doodle Gems… maar het is niet het enige boek… ik heb het boek namelijk ook geheel zelf ingetekend, 52 pagina’s dus alleen van mijn hand… daar laat ik jullie de binnenkant van zien in de volgende preview!

Johanna Ans and team Global Doodle Gems

GDG Individuals Johanna Ans “Twister-Gems-Doodle-Do-Book” PREVIEW

GDG Individuals Johanna Ans/ Twister-Gems-Doodle-Do-Book Volume 1 PREVIEW

I had a new idea…. a book to color, but also to draw with me…for the beginner, but of course also for the artist who will like to fill in my templates. But how can I find out, if this book will be a good book… I had to ask people who never draw before…or just started. I asked 3 dutchies to try out a chapter from my new book, soon be published by Global Doodle Gems… The only words they got from me….print the drawings out…look at them…and find your way, what you should do with this chapter!

Thanks Wendy Hofstee-Wiersema, thanks Nancy van Acker, Thanks Karin Speijer Kamp!

Ik had weer eens een idee… een boek om in te kleuren, maar ook om met me mee te tekenen… geschikt voor de beginner, maar ook voor de tekenaar die het leuk vind om mijn vormen in te tekenen. Maar hoe weet ik dan of dit boek een goed idee gaat zijn… ik ben op zoek gegaan naar mensen die niet eerder tekende of net zijn begonnen. En heb er drie gevonden die dat graag wilden doen. Ze hebben alle drie een hoofdstuk van mijn boek gekregen, het boek wat binnenkort word gepubliceerd door Global Doodle Gems. De enige aanwijzingen die ze kregen, print de platen uit, kijk er eens goed naar en bedenk wat JIJ dan gaat doen met deze platen!

I asked colorist Carla den Otter to color for my cover…the cover is not finished yet…it will be a surprise for me….and of course, what Maria will make of the colored pieces she is doing for me. But I know she is making gorgeous work of my drawings!

Ik heb colorist Carla den Otter gevraagd om platen in te kleuren voor mijn cover, en die zijn nog niet klaar… dat word een verrassing, zowel voor mij, want het hangt dan ook nog van Maria af, wat zij van de cover gaat maken voor mij.
Carla.2 Carla
I can also show you a small video…of the finished drawings in the book. There will be 35 sets, 122 pages in the book to draw and color. It was my Christmas spirit 2015, and I loved the spirit! The biggest book so far for GDG!

Ik kan jullie wel een impressie geven van de volledige tekeningen die in het boek staan. Er staan 35 sets op 122 bladzijdes in het boek om mee in te tekenen en in te kleuren. Het was mijn kerstgevoel 2015, vandaar de muziek in het filmpje, maar het gevoel was geweldig! Het dikste boek voor GDG tot nu toe

I will start with the first PREview from colorist: Wendy Hofstee-Wiersema

Eigenaar (Owner from) van Wendy Kleurt en haar blog is hier te vinden…

I got a message from Johanna Ans with the question if I like challenges. Of course! Not a shot is always a missing!
Van Johanna Ans kreeg ik een berichtje met de vraag of ik van een uitdaging hield.
Uiteraard! Niet geschoten is altijd mis is mijn motto!

The intention was to make a beginning artist acquainted with the drawing itself . Johanna was curious about the feeling it evoked in me and what I would make of it, and the most important  question, is this book Twister-Gem -Doodle-Do-Book volume 1 also suitable for inexperienced artists and will it get people so far got to draw too with the help of her book .

De bedoeling was om een beginnend tekenaar kennis te laten maken met het tekenen zelf. Johanna was benieuwd naar het gevoel wat het bij me opriep en wat ik ervan zou maken en het belangrijkste, of haar nieuw uit te komen boek, Twister-Gems-Doodle-Do-Book- volume 1 ook geschikt was voor onervaren tekenaars en of ze mensen met haar boek zover kreeg om ook te gaan tekenen.

I got a set of 4 drawings / templates from Johanna Ans. 1 already finished, 2 WIP drawings, and a line template. I choosed the line template to make it “my art”. What an honour that she asked me, it was so much fun!

Ik kreeg van Johanna Ans 4 platen toegestuurd.. 1 al afgemaakt door Johanna zelf, 2 w.i.p (work in progress) platen en 1 lege plaat met alleen de lijnen.
Deze laatste mocht ik ‘mijn’ ding van maken! Super leuk en wat een eer dat ze mij  gevraagd heeft!

I descided to color the finished drawing from Johanna Ans.
De plaat van Johanna Ans heb ik besloten in te kleuren.

For me it was a challenge to draw, so it would be really my drawing. I drawed 3 times before so it was a real challenge for me! I had 3 copies made, because I will be hard for myself sometimes, I am not sattisfied quick.

De uitdaging voor mij was het intekenen zodat ik er mijn ding van kon maken.
Heb 3 keer eerder getekend dus het was echt een uitdaging om te doen.
Uit voorzorg heb ik hem 3x geprint omdat ik voor mezelf nogal streng ben en ik dus niet snel tevreden ben 😉

I show you the WIP pictures of my drawing…
Hier wat w.i.p foto’s die ik tussendoor heb gemaakt…


The journey of drawing was quit good for me: Making the drawing gave me a peacefull feeling, a feeling of proudness when the drawing grows. A feeling that I never had before! I colored my own drawing with Faber Castell Albrecht Dürer Aquarel

Het uiteindelijke resultaat leverde mij het volgende op: Tijdens het tekenen merkte ik dat het me echt tot rust bracht en ik een gevoel van trots kreeg naarmate de tekening vorderde..
Een apart gevoel wat ik nog niet eerder heb gehad..
Mijn eigen versie heb ik ingekleurd met mijn Faber Castell Albrecht Dürer aquarelpotloden..

A strange feeling, to color your own drawing! I draw with Sakura Micron Pen, which I got from Bruynzeel, to make a review about them. I love those pens. They are great for drawing but also for coloring. I use them often for coloring a black background!
Wat apart om je eigen tekening kleur te geven!
Ik heb overigens gewerkt met de Micron sakura pennen die ik kreeg van Bruynzeel om te proberen en een recensie over te schrijven 😉 Wat een heerlijke pennen zijn dit.. Ze tekenen lekker maar ook het kleuren gaat er geweldig mee. Ik gebruik ze vaak om achtergronden zwart te maken..
2016-1-1_105511_wm (1)

And the last but not the least, I will say thank you to Johanna Ans, that I might do this for her. I sure will do more drawings in future, even if I think, that coloring fits better with me. I had a lot of fun to do this job for you, and if you need me in future…please ask!
Als laatste wil ik Johanna Ans graag bedanken dat ik dit voor haar heb mogen doen! Ik ga zeker verder met het tekenen, al heb ik wel het gevoel dat ik het kleuren net iets leuker vind… 😉
Ik heb met plezier meegewerkt en mocht ik ooit nog iets voor je kunnen betekenen, vraag gerust!

Thanks a lot Wendy, you might be proud of what you did!
Dank je Wendy, je mag trots zijn op wat je hebt gemaakt!

The second PREview is from colorist: Nancy van Acker.
she wrote this message about the book:

I started today, and choosed page 2. I did not know in the beginning how to start, which style do i want to do? It was not easy. I do have everything I need in my house, even books to learn Zentangle. I watched YouTube video’s, took my book and I started. It took me a long time!. But.. I finished my drawing, and than…think…think…shall I color or shade my drawing. I choosed shading. I will color your last page of the chapter, your finished drawing. Honest, I am not an artist, and it is not (yet) my thing to do, make drawings. I have to think to much, find examples, test on paper, for my feeling it cost me to much time. For the moment I reather paint and color. But the book might be fun for starters of zentangle or doodle technics. But the most important, I was satisfied with my end result, and if you would ask me if I would do it again, than it will be a yes! Because of doing “jobs” for you, I learn a lot and I see that my work will become better and better!

Het tweede PREview is van colorist: Nancy van Acker
Dit is wat zij me schreef:

Ik ben er vandaag aan begonnen. , heb nummer twee genomen. Ik wist eerst niet hoe hier aan te beginnen, welke stijl wil ik? Het was in elk geval niet eenvoudig. Ik heb wel alles in huis , ook de boeken om Zentangle stijl te doen. Ok , gestart. Ben er wel lang mee bezig geweest, ik ben echt een leek wat Zentangle betreft. You tube filmpjes bekeken, boek er bij genomen, Eindelijk toch klaar gekregen . Nu , nadenken, kleuren of schaduwen ? Ik heb voor schaduwen gekozen. Ik ga de laatste , (uw volledige tekening) inkleuren. Eerlijk, ik ben geen echte tekenaar en het is niet echt mijn ding. Moet er te lang over nadenken, voorbeelden opzoeken, uitproberen op kladblaadje, ik steek er voor mijn gevoel te veel tijd in. Ik schilder en kleur liever. Maar misschien is het voor de zentangelaars onder ons wel leuk. Ik was wel tevreden over het eindresultaat, en als je me vraagt of ik dit nog eens voor je wil doen, dan zeg ik zeker ja!
Door voor jou ‘werkjes’ te doen leer ik enorm veel bij en vind ik men werk ook beter en beter worden.

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And of course the end result! I love it Nancy, be proud of what you made, because its pretty good for your first try-out! And you even did not doodle…but Zentangle, another possibillity for the book of course..thanks for the idea!

En natuurlijk het eindresultaat! Ik vind hem mooi Nancy, en ben trots op wat je hebt gemaakt, omdat het geheel niet slecht is voor een eerste keer! En je hebt niet eens gedoodled maar ge-zentangeld, nog een mogelijkheid om in dit boek te gebruiken. Bedankt voor het idee!
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The coloring of the finished drawing of my set. It felt like magic candy balls to color them… together with my own shading coloring of my drawing those two drawings are a Ying Yang to meEn dan de ingekleurde versie van de kant en klare tekening van mijn set. Het voelde alsof ik zo’n mgische toverbal aan het inkleuren was… samen met de geschaduwde tekening van mijzelf voelde het als een Ying Yang.
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Greetings from Nancy van AckerThe third PREvieuw is from colorist: Karin Speijer Kamp

When Johanna Ans asked me last week: Karin, do you like a challenge to do? I said a loud yes I do! I challenge you to draw with me…is what she said…. Draw???? OMG Johanna, I can’t. Oh yes she said, it wil be fun for you as a beginner… beginner? I am even less than a beginner. And really, for that moment I felt sorry that I said yes… but, I did say yes… and she send me a set of 4 drawings. Johanna Ans is busy with een new book “Twister-Gems-Doodle-Do-Book” that will be published by Global Doodle Gems. Each chapter has 3-5 pages which you can color, or draw in it your self.

Het derde PREview is gemaakt door Karin Speijer Kamp
Toen Johanna Ans mij vorige week vroeg : “Karin heb je zin in een uitdaging?” zei ik volmondig Ja hoor !  Het is de bedoeling dat je gaat tekenen zegt ze … tekenen ?? Omg Johanna dat kan ik niet ! Jawel zegt ze, juist leuk voor jou als beginner.. beginner? Ik ben nog minder dan dat ! En echt op dat moment had ik spijt dat ik ja had gezegd, maar ik heb nu eenmaal ja gezegd en zij stuurt mij 4 kleurplaten op. Johanna Ans is bezig met een nieuw kleurboek “Twister-Gems-Doodle-Do-Boek” wat uitgebracht wordt bij Global Doodle Gems. Elke hoofdstuk bestaat uit 3 tot 5 kleurplaten die je gewoon kan inkleuren of je kan hem zelf nog verder intekenen.

De first drawing is just line-art, the second more filled in, the third almost finished, and the fourth is a finished drawing. I was happy that I did not have ink anymore, so it gave me time before execution, because I was a little scared to start. And than I saw that Wendy Kleurt had already finished her part of the job, yup than I have to start too! I already bought myself some Staedtler Pigment Liners and a zentangle work book, so I picked them up…I had to search for them, hihi!

De eerste is een vrij kale plaat, de tweede is al iets meer ingetekend, de derde nog verder en de vierde is een kleurplaat die af is. Gelukkig was mijn cartridge op, dus even uitstel van executie, want ik zag er echt tegenop hoor. Toen ik zag dat Wendy Kleurt er al klaar mee was had ik wel zoiets, tja ik moet er toch echt aan beginnen. Ik had ooit al een setje Staedtler Pigment liners gekocht en een zentangle werkboek, dus die heb ik maar onder het stof vandaan gehaald.

The first drawing from the set of four / Dit is de eerste plaat uit de reeks van vier.Johanna 02

My first lines where a little bit shaky, but during the adventure I became more secure, some of the circels I did where even almost the same. Between drawing I did some coloring in my own drawing too, and that was a bit strange, because you see your work become alive. Not that I am really proud of what I did, but it became more fun to do. I did more and more to fill in my piece of art. (I also learned a lesson, wait till your ink is dry before you start to color)

Mijn eerste lijntjes waren best bibberig, maar ik merkte dat ik gaandeweg een iets vastere hand kreeg, sommige rondjes waren zelfs hetzelfde.  Op een gegeven moment ben ik mijn tekeningetjes al in gaan kleuren, en dat is zo raar, je ziet het gelijk tot leven komen. Niet dat ik er heel erg trots op ben, maar ik vond het wel steeds leuker worden. Van lieverlee ben ik steeds meer toe gaan voegen. ( wel een les geleerd dat je even moet wachten met kleuren totdat de inkt goed is opgedroogd )

And this is what it became… my first drawing!
En zo is hij uiteindelijk geworden … mijn eerste ingetekende kleurplaat

Johanna 07

After that I started to color the finished drawing, the fourth in this case. As you all can see, a whole different page than what I made of it.

Vervolgens ben ik de plaat in gaan kleuren die al helemaal af is, dus in dit geval de vierde. Zoals jullie kunnen zien, is het totaal anders dan wat ik er van heb gemaakt.

Johanna 08

Johanna 09

After I started to draw, I  liked it more and more to do, ok, I am not a star, but that’s what Johanna wuld make clear, that you don’t have to be an artist to have fun. I do like to go on with this, and hope that I can reach a higher level.

Toen ik eenmaal bezig was met “tekenen” vond ik het wel steeds leuker worden, oké, ik ben er geen ster in, maar dat is wat Johanna duidelijk wilde maken, je hoeft niet alles te kunnen om er plezier in te hebben. Ik wil er toch mee verder gaan, en eens kijken of ik in een iets hoger level terecht kan komen 😉

I want to say thank you to Johanna for her trust, and the boosts she gives me again and again.

Ik wil Johanna bedanken voor het vertrouwen in mij en de opstekers die zij mij telkens geeft.

Mijn kleurpagina op Facebook (Karins kleurplaten)

Johanna’s pagina op Facebook

Global Doodle Gems

How great it is to read that you where excited to do this…. a challenge to do something really new…. And I like the idea, that I can ask you again, to do it another time…and I will…because the second book is already finished too!

Hoe leuk is het om te lezen, dat jullie het spannend, maar wel leuk vonden…. de uitdaging aan nemen iets geheel nieuws te doen… en ik vind het helemaal top, dat ik weet dat ik jullie opnieuw kan en mag vragen, en dat zal ik doen ook, want deel 2 is ook klaar!

Thanks Carla, for coloring so hard for my cover, thanks Nancy, Karin & Wendy to do such a nice job for me!

And during the test  from my colorists to do a chapter from this brand new GDG concept, Carla finished all four drawings to color, and Maria (Thank you so much for your time and job)made the time to make my idea of how it should look like, as a real cover… and I love it so much. Carla I am proud to present you, your work on my cover!

En gedurende de test van mijn kleurteam in deze, om een hoofdstuk in mijn boek te maken, heeft Carla alle 4 de platen ingekleurd, en Maria de tijd gemaakt mijn idee om te zetten, in de cover zoals ik die voor me zag… en ik vind hem geweldig! Carla, met trots show ik jou je werk op mijn cover!

I hope you like this idea of my new book. Soon it will be published by Global Doodle Gems

Ik hoop dat mijn idee van dit nieuwe boek jullie ook aanstaat. Het word binnenkort gepubliceerd door Global Doodle Gems

Johanna Ans

PS. Did you see how insecure Nancy was…and look what she did! I am so proud of her…because this is the proof for me, that is is also proud of her self…. “our” drawing is on her Mobile case!!!
Cover Nancy's telefoon! Telefooncover Nancy!

Global Doodle Gems Volume 7 Personal review to inspire you

Global Doodle Gems Volume 7 Personal review to inspire you

Volume 7
As I told you before, the Global Doodle Gems Epic Collection, contains 10 different artists in 10 differnet styles. I had the oppertunity to color some originals from my friend Peggy Sue Karunding… and I did. I also discovered, that I already did one before… but I don’t care. because a learned a lot new things about coloring, so I still had fun…

Zoals ik al eerder vertelde, The Epic Collection van Global Doodle Gems, bevat ieder volume 10 verschillende artiesten die ieder hun eigen stijl hebben. Ik kreeg de kans van mijn vriendin Peggy Sue Karunding om wat van haar originelen in te kleuren.. en die pakte ik aan. Ook ontdekte ik, dat ik er eerder eentje van haar had ingekleurd… maar dat gaf niet om een zelfde in te kleuren, heb intussen namelijk natuurlijk ook weer vanalles geleerd op kleurgebied… het plezier was er opnieuw!

But first, a reminder….. maar eerst, ter herinnering…

I colored a drawing that is also a freebie on our Global Doodle Gems FB group, the drawing that I colored twice…

Ik heb een plaat ingekleurd die ook als freebie te verkrijgen is op onze GDG FBgroep, de tekening die ik dus 2x in kleurde…
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I used Stabilo 68 to color both drawings, I did the background with Van Eyck Softpastels, as usual with my fingers. One of them kind of realistic and the other I did before, totally out of the Colorbox. I like that sometimes to do, feels like a kid, the days that you did not really think about how things “should” be….
Ik heb Stabilo 68 gebruikt voor allebi de platen, en met mijn vingers gebruik gemaakt van Van Eyck Softpastelkrijt. Eentje een soort van realistisch ingekleurd, en de andere totaal out of the Colorbox. Ik hou ervan dat soms te doen, als een kind, uit de tijd dat je nog niet echt hoefde na te denken over hoe iets er uit zou “moeten” zien.
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Another challenge for me, also a drawing from Peggy. I wanted it to feel like magic…and for me this journey of coloring was magic… I used Stabilo 68 and my Prismacolor Premier Pencils. A lot of layers, to make Buddha “shine” as a light through the leaves of that forrest… I hope you feel and see the same as I did… because I felt great after this drawing to color.

Nog een uitdaging, ook een plaat van Peggy. Ik wilde dat het magisch zou zijn…. en deze trip van inkleuren was magie! Ik heb Stabilo 68 gebruikt en mijn Prismacolor Premier Potloden. heel veel laagjes om Boeddha te laten “schijnen”, door het dak van gebladerte in dat bos…. Ik hoop dat je ziet en voelt zoals ik dat deed, want ik voelde me heerlijk na het inkleuren van deze plaat.
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I wrote this text with this drawing, it just came into my mind:
If you go through the trees …
can not see the forest …
it is then a Buddha …
or appearances perhaps ?

Ik schreef deze tekst bij de plaat, kwam spontaan in me op
Als je door de bomen…
het bos niet meer kan zien…
is het dan een Boeddha…
of schone schijn misschien?

Of course I colored drawings from other artists to, I colored 2 freebies. The first I did was from artist: Ena Tera. I love this kind of drawings. because you can make a lot of different kind of colorings on these. I choosed for an “easy” way to color. Van Eyck Softpastel to start with my fingers, and after that I grabbed my Bruynzeel Design Pastel Pencils. A little bit of Posca Unipen, and a kind of gems where born!

Natuurlijk heb ik ook platen van andere artiesten ingekleurd, 2 freebies. De eerste die ik maakte was van artiest: Ena Tera. Ik hou van dit soort tekeningen omdat er zoveel mogelijkheden mee kunnen. Ik heb voor een “makkelijke” gekozen. Van Eyck Pastelkrijt met mijn vingers opbrengen, daarna mijn Bruynzeel Design Pastelpotloden erbij gepakt. Een beetje Posca Unipen en een soort van edelstenen zijn geboren!
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The last coloring for this review is a freebie from artist: Maggie Lin. I used Stabilo 68, Posca Unipen and Sakura Metallic gellyroll Gold...  the gem had to shine a little bit for me!

De laatste plaat die ik inkleurde voor dit review is van Maggie Lin. Ik heb Stabilo 68, Posca Unipen en Sakura Metallic gelpen Goud gebruikt…. het sierraad moest natuurlijk wel glimmen voor mij!
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This drawing / coloring also inspired me to make a text in it…of course I will share that with you, for those who missed it.
Ook deze tekening inspireerde mij een tekst er in te verwerken, voor diegene die hem nog niet zagen, deel ik die ook met jullie.
what if...Wat als...
I hope you liked what I made of my personal review. I did this on printed pages, because I don’t have the book yet, but you al know that I already experienced the paper. All our books are single side printed, with a cardboard between the pages, you can use anything you want in the GDG Books. Using “wet” materials is no problem, alcoholmarkers, pens, ecoline, goache, its all possible….

ik hoop dat jullie weer genoten hebben van mijn persoonlijke bevindingen. Dit keer heb ik zelf gekleurd op uitgeprinte platen, omdat mijn boek er nog niet is. maar jullie weten intussen dat ik bekend ben met ons materiaal. Al onze GDG boeken zijn enkelzijdig bedrukt, met een dun karton ertussen is vrijwel ieder materiaal te gebruiken in onze boeken. Zelfs “natte” materialen als alcoholmarkers, waterverf, ecoline, stiften… het is allemaal mogelijk.

Global Doodle Gems Volume 7: “The Ultimate Coloring Book…an Epic Collection from Artists around the World! “
Global Doodle Gems adult coloring book is a collaboration of 140+ artists from around the world. We have come together to create a one of a kind coloring experience! Each volume of our coloring books features 10 artists and their amazing drawings. Having a wide variety of artists will allow us to accommodate all levels of color enthusiasts! Wishing you a colortastic journey … with our 7th Volume of “Global Doodle Gems”!  Click on pic to shop now !

Your blogger for GDG Johanna Ans

Global Doodle Gems Volume 7 Inspiration

Global Doodle Gems Volume 7 Inspiration

Volume 7
And there is number 7 already…. another beautifull book with 10 different artists, 10 different styles.
En daar is nummer 7 alweer…. weer een mooi boek met 10 verschillende artiesten met evenzoveel verschillende stijlen.
First as usual the flipthrough…

I will show you a lot of colored pieces to inspire you all…. most of them are colored by the artist him / herselves?
Ik ga jullie weer een heleboel ingekleurde platen laten zien, om jullie te inspireren…. de meeste zijn door de artiest zelf ingekleurd!

Artist and Colorist: Marieke Raterman Bos
Marieke raterman.1 Marieke raterman.2
Marieke raterman
Artist: Marieke Raterman-Bos
Colorist: Ingrid van Neerven
Marieke-Ingrid van Neerven
Artist: Marieke Raterman-Bos
Colorist: Karin Speijer Kamp
Marieke-Karin Speier
Artist: Mitchell Manuel 
Colorist: Elisabeth Delhaye
Mitchel Manuel-Elisabeth Delhaye
Artist: Mitchell Manuel
Colorist: Laurence Roucou
Mitchell manuel-Laurence Roucou
Artist: Mitchell Manuel
Colorist: Mala Mistry
Mitchel-Mala Mistry
Artist and colorist: Peggy Sue Karunding (the four seasons)
Peggy Sue
Artist: Peggy Sue Karunding
Colorist: Annemie de Leeuw-Verhaegh
Artist: Peggy Sue Karunding
Colorist: Johanna Ans (totally out of the colorbox! Just the way I like to do sometimes)
Peggy Sue-Johanna Ans
Artist and colorist: Rosalien Hanssen (Creative Rosalien)
Rosalien Hanssen Rosalien
Artist and colorist: Esther Lafiebre
Esther Lefebvre.1 Esther Lefebvre.2
Esther Lefebvre.3jpg Esther Lefebvre.4
Esther Lefebvre.5jpg Esther Lefebvre
Artist and colorist: Ena Tera
Ena Tera
Ena Tera-Ena

Artist: Ena Tera
Colorist: Yaya
Ena Tera-Yaya
Artist: Maggie Lin
Colorist: Debbie Lai
Maggie Lin-Debbie Lai
Artist: Maggie Lin
Colorist: Lilan Chen
Maggie Lin-Lilan Chen
Artist and colorist: Yaya (Georgia Merino)
Artist: Yaya
Colorist: Créa Sam
Yaya-Créa Sam
Artist and colorist: Iben Lykke Højholdt
Iben Lykke Højholdt
Artist and colorist: Jeanne Burbage
Jeanne Burbage
If you like to color some chapterpages from this beautiful book, join are FB Group and klick on the folder with the Volume 7 Teasers / Freebies, print, color and post please!
Als jij het ook leuk vind om platen uit Volume 7 in te kleuren, kom dan ook bij onze FB groep, klik in albums op  Freebies/Teasers Volume 7, print, kleur en post!

Global Doodle Gems Volume 7: “The Ultimate Coloring Book…an Epic Collection from Artists around the World! “
Global Doodle Gems adult coloring book is a collaboration of 140+ artists from around the world. We have come together to create a one of a kind coloring experience! Each volume of our coloring books features 10 artists and their amazing drawings. Having a wide variety of artists will allow us to accommodate all levels of color enthusiasts! Wishing you a colortastic journey … with our 7th Volume of “Global Doodle Gems”!  Click on pic to shop now !

Untill the next time!
Johanna Ans

Global Doodle Gems Volume 5/ personal review Johanna Ans

Global Doodle Gems Volume 5/ personal review Johanna Ans

Coverspread volume 5
The first we do as always, is to have a look inside the book…so we will do that!
Het eerste zoals als we altijd doen, is het boek van binnen bekijken…dus laten we dat maar doen!

To make it easy to look for you guys, who the artists are in this book, I will gove you the list.
Om het jullie gemakkelijk te maken te kijken wie er deze keer instaan,geef ik jullie de artiestenlijst…
But, I will start to color. You already know that I am a big fan of the paper that GDG uses for the books. For me, every material I have, works fine on this paper… of course I always use a cardboard between the pages, for you never know!
Maar, ik ga beginnen met kleuren. Zoals jullie weten ben ik groot fan van het papier, gewoon omdat alles wat ik wil gebruiken er gewoon lekker op gaat… natuurlijk heb ik altijd een beschermend kartonnetje ertussen…voor je weet maar nooit!

The first drawing is from one of my favorite artists: MrEnd. I choose for the lion, and I tried to make a “golden” lion of it. I used only 5 colors of Prismacolor Premier Pencils and the golden Sakura Metallic Gel pen
De eerste tekening is een tekening van een van mijn favoriete tekenaars, MrEnd. Ik heb gekozen voor de leeuw, en heb geprobeerd er een “gouden” leeuw van te maken. Ik heb maar 5 kleuren Prismacolor Premier potloden gebruikt en de gouden Sakura Metallic Gel pen

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Scans will not always show you the best result of coloring, so that’s why I made a picture too…I love my lion!
Scans geven niet altijd de juiste kleuren weer helaas, daarom ook een foto erbij. Ik vind mijn leeuw geslaagd!

The next drawing that I will color is from artist: Faith Swan. I love her mandala’s in this book. I choosed an easy way to color. First I did al the dots in black gel pen. After that I grabbed my van Eijk Softpastels and “fingerpainted” the mandala. I go over the crayon with my finger and than put the color on the paper. It works pretty easy, but also blends very easy!
De volgende tekening is er een van artieste: Faith Swan. Ik hou van haar mandala’s in dit boek. Ik voor voor de gemakkelijke manier van inkleuren gekozen. Eerst alle rondjes ingekleurd met een zwarte gelpen, en daarna gewerkt met van Eijck Softpastel (Action) en als vingerverven er mee gewerkt. Met de vingertop over het krijtje, op de plaat wrijven. Het werkt erg gemakkelijk, en vooral, het mengt ook heel makkelijk.
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And the last drawing is from artist: Twisted Branch Studio. Butterflies and flowers, that was a good idea to color for me. I used Stabilo 68 which are easy to blend, Letraset Flexmarkers (very light, and bad to see on the scan…but I made a picture of it with the cam) and van Eijck Softpastels for the background.
En de laatste tekening is van artiest: Twisted Branch Studio. Vlinders en bloemen leek me wel een goede keuze. Ik heb Stabilo 68 gebruikt, die zich makkelijk mengen, Letraset Flexmarkers (te lichte kleuren om met een scanner te zien, daarom een foto van dichtbij) en de van Eijck Softpastelkrijtjes voor de achtergrond. 
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It was a nice “job” to do for you all. Before I had the book, I already colored some freebies, you can find them on our official FB page. I show you what I colored before….
Was weer een leuk klusje om te doen. Voordat ik het boek had, heb ik al wat freebies ingekleurd, die jij overigens kunt vinden op onze officiële FB Pagina… ik laat jullie zien wat ik daarvan heb ingekleurd..

Artist: Fabienne Tosie (Bruynzeel Softpastel crayons)
Fabienne Tosie-Johanna Ans-GDG
Artist: Jenny Wei (Spectrum Noir Alcoholmarkers & Colorgel Glitters)
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Artist: Linda Karpinski (Colorgel Glitters)
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I hope you enjoyed the blog, and that you will be inspired too.
Ik hoop dat jullie weer plezier beleefd hebben aan dit blog, en dat je geïnspireerd bent.

“Global Doodle Gems” Volume 5: “The Ultimate Coloring Book…an Epic Collection from Artists around the World! “
Global Doodle Gems adult coloring book is a collaboration of 130+ artists from around the world. We have come together to create a one of a kind coloring experience! Each volume of our coloring books features 10 artists and their amazing drawings. Having a wide variety of artists will allow us to accommodate all levels of color enthusiasts! Wishing you a colortastic journey … with our 5th Volume of “Global Doodle Gems”! Click on pic to shop now !

Till next time…have a colorfull day!

Johanna Ans & team Global Doodle Gems

GDG The Little Big Book of Egg Designs Maria Wedel/ Johanna Ans

GDG The Little Big Book of Egg Designs Maria Wedel/ Johanna Ans


What started as a question from Maria, would you like to color a bunch of eggs for me, ended in a book that we made together. Maria had done a lot of eggs, in her famous twister chill pill style, and yes, I like those so I said yes. There are different sizes of eggs, pages with 16, 9, 4, 2 and 1 big egg. When I started to look at one of the big eggs…I did not know in the first place how to color it…. so I started to fill in with my style of doodle / tangle…. and it became a great egg…and a newborn idea!!!

Wat begon als een vraag van Maria, zou jij een heleboel eieren voor me in willen kleuren, eindigde in een boek waar wij samen aan hebben gewerkt. Maria tekende heel veel eieren in haar inmiddels beroemde twister chill pill stijl, en ja, daar hou ik van, dus ik heb ja gezegd. Er zijn verschillende formaten eieren, pagina’s met 16, 9, 4, 2 en 1 groot 1. Toen ik mijn eerste grote ei tegenkwam, wist ik niet gelijk hoe ik die zou gaan inkleuren…. en ben ik gewoon begonnen met intekenen in mijn doodle en tangle stijl…. en dat werd me een mooi ei! Er ontstond een nieuw idee!

This is how it all started……

If I would like to do more “fill ins”? Yes!!! I am very proud to work together with Maria…. So there will be 10 pages in the book from Johanna Ans, and the rest is the work of Maria. 5 pages Johanna filled in, in the finished eggs from Maria, and 5 pages with blanc eggs, that became the typicall Johanna Ans style eggs. And no, it is not an easter egg book, not at all…. we just wanted to do another way of funny drawings and coloring. Because fun it is…. I colored hundreds of eggs…  And we had a lot of fun, working on this book. There are pages, done by Maria, she drew, I fill in, I colored Maria’s eggs, and the filled in eggs…. 4 times the same / different eggs to color….and it was gorgeous to do!

Of ik meer eieren in zou willen tekenen. JA! En alleen al trots dat ik gevraagd ben door Maria met haar aan een boek te werken. En zo zijn er dus 10 pagina’s in het boek waar ik aan heb meegewerkt. 5 pagina’s met eieren van Maria die ik verdeer heb ingetekend, en 5 pagina’s waar ik geheel blanco eieren in de typische Johanna Ans stijl heb ingetekend. En nee, het is geheel geen paaseierenboek hoor, maar gewoon een lollige vorm om in te tekenen en in te kleuren. Want leuk is het, ik heb niet voor niets honderden eieren in kunnen kleuren. En een lol ook wat we gehad hebben tijdens het maken van dit boek. Er zijn bladzijdes, die eerst zijn getekend door Maria, die ik verder heb ingevuld, de bladzijdes gekleurd zoals Maria ze tekende maar ook weer mijn eigen ingetekende eieren ingekleurd… en het was geweldig om te doen!


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So let us share our funny EggBook with you, and show you what we made of it!

Laten we eerst maar eens met jullie de binnenkant delen van dit grappige EggBook, en laten zien wat we er van gemaakt hebben!

Of course I have a small video too from the Big Egg I filled in, but now in color…. I loved it so much to do, that I got really excited about it, and colored and drew Eggs for days….

natuurlijk heb ik ook een video van het inkleuren van het grote door mij ingetekende ei….. ik heb er zoveel lol aan gehad dat ik overenthousiast raakte en dagen lang alleen maar eieren heb ingekleurd en ingetekend…

Some examples for you…to inspire
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Or how to fill in your own designs.… Of hoe je zelf verder kunt tekenen

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So…thats a lot of eggs….but also a lot of fun… we really hope that you have the fun working in this book as we had….

Zo, dat zijn nog eens veel eieren…. maar ook heel veel lol en plezier… we hopen echt dat jullie net zoveel plezier beleven aan dit boek, als dat wij hebben gehad met het maken er van.

The Little Big Book of Egg Designs: 400 Eggs to color + A special freebie bonus
400 decorated eggs to color and have fun with in various sizes, extra bonus codes inside for biggie eggs ..So here is my little big book of Egg designs….remember it does not have to be Easter,to have fun times with eggs, Eggtime is any time !!!

Click on pic to shop now !

Colorful Eggfun from Maria & Johanna Ans

There are also 3 big A3 formats from these eggs. The template was from Maria, and we both made our own “Biggie” When you buy the book, there will be a code in it so you will get them for free! Of course you can buy the set of three big eggs…. They are in Payhip shop
Look at these Biggies!!! Kijk naar deze mega grote eieren!
A3 freebee shot Bonus