GDG Teacup Treasures, Laurie Beauchamp, by Mimi Bezemer

Eerste indruk
De voorkant van het boek vind ik erg sprekend. De kleuren zijn erg mooi en kleurrijk. Het valt mij meteen op na dat wanneer ik door het boek heen blader er veel dieren in de theekopjes verwerkt zijn. En dit trekt mij persoonlijk erg aan. Ik heb erg veel zin om hier in te mogen gaan kleuren.

My first impression
I like the front, colors are nice and bright. When I go through the book, I see a lot of animals in a teacup, and I like it. I’m excited to start coloring.

Informatie over het boek / Info about the book

Tekenaar? artist: Laurie Beauchamp
Taal/ Language: Engels / English
Afmeting/ Size: 10x280x215 mm
Aantal kleurplaten / Number of designs: 36
ISBN: 9788793385825
Uitgever / Publisher: GDG – Global Doodle Gems

Review Teacup treasures
Als je het boek open doet zie je een leuke tekening van een kat in een theekop met de tekst “Te Cuties in this book belongs to” en daar kan je dan je naam onder schrijven . Als je dan omslaat naar de volgende bladzijde zie je wie je allemaal kan benaderen en op welke manier. De bladzijde erna staat een voorwoord geschreven door Laurie Beauchamp. En als je dan weer omslaat zie alle tekeningen in het “klein” getekend waardoor je precies weet en ziet welke tekeningen in dit boek getekend zijn. En dit vind ik persoonlijk wel erg leuk. Vervolgens kun je gaan kiezen welke tekening je wil gaan kleuren. Achterin het boek zie je ook weer “kleine” tekeningen. Deze komen uit het eerste boek van Laurie Beauchamp “Dazzling Dragons”. Deze zien er ook erg mooi uit.

Review Teacup Treasures
When you open the book yo see a drawing from a cat in a teacup with the text: “Te Cuties in this book belongs to” where you can write your name. The next page includes info about GDG and Laurie Beauchamp. After that the pages with the tumbnails so you can see what’s in the book, and I like that. Than you can make your chice. In the back of the book you see the Tumbnails of the other Laurie Beachamp book, “Dazzling Dragons”, those look cool too!


Eigen creaties
Ik heb 3 willekeurige kleurplaten gekozen uit het boek en wil graag deze laten zien.

De eerste tekening die ik gekleurd heb is met Ecoline – Brush pen gedaan. Het effect is wel erg grappig, maar het papier gaat een beetje bobbelen. Ik vind het dus niet geschikt om het in dit boek te gebruiken. Het is net of je met waterverf aan het verven bent. Het is niet zo dat het doordrukt, maar het papier wordt er niet mooier van. Maar wel een leuk resultaat geworden als zeg ik het zelf.

My creations
I choose 3 random pics from the book to color

The first drawing I colored with Ecoline-Brushpens (Ink on waterbase). The effect is funny, but the paper bubbles a bit. It was not the best idea to use, it is like painting with waterpaint. It does not bleedthrough, but it is not that good for the paper. But I do like the result!

De tweede tekening heb ik gekleurd met Stabilo 68 stiften. Ik vond dit erg prettig om mee te werken. Drukte niet door, het papier bleef netjes zoals het moest plat liggen. De  kleur werd mooi en goed opgenomen. Ik ervaar dit als zeer prettig om met deze stiften in dit kleurboek ermee te kleuren.

The second drawing I colored with Stabilo 68 pen. I really liked to use them. No bleed through, paper kept great and the colors became nice and bright. I like to use the pens in this coloringbook.
De derde tekening die ik heb gekleurd is met Stabilo 88 fineliners. En ook dit werkt zeer prettig. Sommige kleuren drukken heel licht door, maar dat is te verhelpen door een papiertje er tussen te leggen zodat de andere tekening niet wordt geraakt. Ik vind deze ook qua kleur erg goed gelukt en ik raadt ook aan om kleine details van de tekeningen met fineliners te doen. Geeft een erg mooi effect.

The 3rd drawing I did I used Stabilo 88 fineliners, and those work pretty fine too! Some colors a little bleed through, but that’s no problem, put a protection sheet between the pages. I like the way I colored and it’s a good choice to use the fineliners for the small details. A great effect!

Mijn mening
Ik vind het een erg mooi boek. De tekeningen vind ik ook erg mooi en het nodigt mij erg uit om er in te gaan kleuren. De moeilijkheidsgraad in de tekeningen zitten er ook in. Deze ene is moeilijk en de andere is iets makkelijker om te kleuren. De dieren die er in getekend zijn vind ik ook erg mooi. Het materiaal waar het boek van gemaakt is, is voor zeer veel materialen te gebruiken. Denk hierbij aan kleurpotloden, stiften, fineliners, ecoline stiften, waterverf enz. En dit komt omdat de tekeningen enkelvoudig bedrukt zijn zodat je nooit een tekening die aan de achterkant staat verpest. En door er dan een papiertje tussen te doen heb je ook minder kans dat je de tekening die achter de kleurplaat zit waar je mee bezig bent verpest. Kortom ik ben heel enthousiast over dit boek en ik ga er zeker nog meer in kleuren. Ik wil dit boek dan ook waarderen met het cijfer 8.

My opinion
I do like the book, drawings are great and invites you to start. Different levels of coloring, some easy, others more detailed. I love the animals. The book is great for colorpencils, pens, fineliners, waterpaint etc, and thats because of the single side printed pages. Always use a protection sheet! Fina, I am very excited about the book, and iI will color more! Ths book deserves an 8.

Het gehele kleurproces… the whole process of coloring

Thank you very much Mimi for your contribution! Wanna see more about Mimi, visit her page Mimi Creatief

Want to know more about the book, visit booklaunch Teacup Treasures

Voor meer informatie:


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You blogger Johanna Ans for Global Doodle Gems


GDG “Annual Colorist Choice”, host review by Inge Boogaers-Kanters

GDG “Annual Colorist Choice”, host review by Inge Boogaers-Kanters

This gorgeous cover is colored by a great colorist, Véro Pignot, she brought these drawings alive like a dream!

Do you like to see the rest of the book too, than enjoy this video with me….

I sendet this book to Inge Boogaers, just after she became the newest Dutch Global Doodle Gems Artist, to see what GDG is about, and to meet her new digital colleges. Let’s hear what she has to tell us about GDG “Annual Colorist Choice Collection” Volume 1.

“When I received this coloringbook I was really surprised! It has a great amount of coloringpages in it and they are so different in style! You almost never see that in a coloringbook, because normally a coloringbook is made by one artist. The concept off Global Doodle Gems, worldwide artists collected in one book is fantastic. Let me explain to you why”.

“I am a person who loves all kind of styles to color. I think I am not the only one to say that I normally buy almost every coloringbook I run in to. I just like them all! That means I have a great collection of coloringbooks, and they are everywhere. Sometimes I am going through all these books to find something I would like to color at that specific moment and it always ends up in a great mess”.

“Now there comes in the Global Doodle Gems Coloringbook! If you like all different styles but you don’t want a cabinet full of books or you just don’t have the money to buy them all, this is the perfect book. Because it represents so many artists you have got a big amount of styles and drawings in just one book! Just go through the book and you will find that one drawing you are just in the mood for. Are you going on a trip? You just have to pack one book 🙂 …..and this book is a trip around the world of Art for itself”.

“Well, enough about that. When I opened the book I was a little worried about the paper. It’s looks quit thin if you compare to coloringbooks you buy in your local bookstore. When I started coloring I discovered my worries were gone immediately”.

“The paper is very, very good quality for all kind of materials. I worked with different coloringpencils, alcoholmarkers, Koh-I-Noor aquarel wax pencils, Tombow Dual Brush pens and Sakura Koi Brush pens. It all works great on the paper and I must say as a markerfreak, I never had a book where the colors ended up so bright! I really love it. If your favourite material to color are alcoholmarkers too, than I can really recommend this book because that one thing we always worry about is thought of! All coloringpages are printed on one side of the book. You don’t have to worry you lose the drawing on the back and that is really great. Off course you need to put a piece of paper between the page you are working on and the next page, but if you work with alcoholmarkers you already know that I guess”.

“Another nice thing I noticed  is the information on the left side pages. There you can find for each drawing the name of the artist and the country where they are from. I really like that, because this way they give artists the credits they deserve instead of being put up anonymous in a coloringbook. Way to go Global Doodle Gems”!

“This specific book is a special one. The book starts with an information page explaining where this book is about and some words from the judges. I will quote the first part for you so you have an idea what kind of coloringbook this is”:

“We had a huge nomination round on our Global Doodle Gems Coloring Group, colorists nominated their favorite drawings by submitting their colored pieces from Global Doodle Gems Books published from the first year July 2015 to April 2016. Over 500 drawings were nominated for the book. We had A jury of 7 judges from the large Coloring Groups Worldwide, vote on their favorites and here is the result. We hope you will enjoy it!”

“It was hard to make a choice, but I choose 8 totally different works to color. I will show the pictures and tell about the material I worked with and about the drawing and how it is to color it”.

Topaz Monarch Butterfly by Alfred E. Villanueva from The Philippines
It has been published in ‘GemInsects
Colored with:  Different kind of alcoholmarkers

Ladybug girl by Bev Choy from the USA
Its has been published in Global Doodle Gems Volume 1
Colored with:  Alcoholmarkers and coloring pencils

Mandala by Ena Tera Art from Granada, Spain
It has been published in Global Doodle Gems Volume 7
Colored with:  Alcoholmarkers and a Blender marker

Cat by MWMS – Johanna Ans from The Netherlands
It has been published in Cat Gems
Colored with:  Alcoholmarkers and coloring pencils

Girl with baby Dragon by Laurie Beauchamp from the USA
It has been published in Dazzling Dragons
Colored with: Alcoholmarkers and A Blender marker

Flowers by Leaf Yeh from Taiwan
It has been published in Global Doodle Gems Flowers Collection Volume 2
Colored with:  Alcoholmarkers, Coloring pencils and background with Koh-I-Noor Wax Aquarell pencils

Twister coloring page by Maria Wedel from Denmark
Its has been published in The Twister Book Chill Pill Volume 1
Colored with: Sakura Koi Brush pens and Tombow Dual brush pens


Love Tree by Peggy Sue’s Artwork from The Netherlands
It has been published in Global Doodle Gems Valentines Collection Volume 1
Colored with: Marco Raffine Coloring Pencils


I want to say that most drawings have no name, but I named them for myself so it will be more clear what work I am writing about. I hope the artists don’t mind.

My experience:
I really love this book. A big plus for:

*the variety of drawings,
*the one sided coloringpages,
*the quality of the paper,
*the artists credits (I think that is important),
*and off course the great artworks.

Are there any negative things? Well, not really, but if I have to mention something I would say it is sometimes hard to read the names because of the font that is used. I think the font is a little old-fashioned, and not one that atracts younger adults, but that is my personal opinion of course!

For aquarel I wouldn’t use it, because I don’t think the paper will stay in good shape with water, like 99% of the coloringbooks available in the world.

It is only available at Amazon and it would be great if you could buy this book, and the other Global Doodle Gems books, in local stores.

I hope you enjoyed my review and if you are going to buy the book I am very sure you won’t regret it!

 Inge Boogaers-Kanters

Do you like to join our club and be a member of our Global Doodle Gems Fangroup, please jump in, meet other great colorists and our artists.
And if you like to buy a copy yourself, be my guest and push the button below!

Thank you very much Inge for your great review, you did a hell of a job!

Your blogger Johanna Ans



GDG “Dazzling Dragons”, by Laurie Beauchamp, personal review

GDG “Dazzling Dragons”, by Laurie Beauchamp, personal review

When I had this book in my hands for the first time, I was totally flabbergasted! What a gorgeous cover, front and back. I really needed to look inside to see what was promised by the cover!


Let me show you the inside first too, for your pleasure:

I really wanted to color this book, but for the first time I felt a little intimidated…how can I bring this gorgeous detailed work alive? Me, who never thinks about things like that, but just always starts and sees where it will end! Really, this is such a great book, I love the detailed drawings…. I did not want to ruin it! And then I thought to myself, how can I possibly ruin this work; I like to color, I love details, I am in love with the drawings…. just grab your stuff Johanna and start…and that’s just what I did….

I started on the first page of the book, a sweet little dragon, and a spot where you could write your name … and that was the first thing I did… now it’s mine, and I am gonna make a gorgeous book of it!

I collected my stuff to color; my Stabilo 88 (0.4mm) and my Steadtler Triplus Brilliance (0.3mm), because these are perfect for my first coloring. I like to “feel”  all the lines that the artist made… so every little spot on it, was colored separately… like I was coloring with needles….

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To let the wings show I used my new Spectrum Noir Sparkles Clear, wow what glitter and glamour! I don’t usually use glitters; it is not my style, but sometimes it gives you that little extra, and for the wings, I loved it! The background that you see in the middle I did with my Talens Rembrand Softpastels, sweet and soft colors….. I am into the Dazzling Dragons!!!

Normally I will go through the book and choose a favorite to color, but there is no favorite, I like them all-so I started right after the intro page with the next one… also done with my fineliners and colorgel sparkles.
You can see how small the spaces are, but every spot of the scale, has 3 colors, started with the yellow, than the light orange and a small spot of red! That took me some time…. but I loved it….
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For the bigger spots in the drawing I used my Tiger Touch– and the Spectrum Noir Alcoholmarkers. Once again it became a colorful piece of art….

And then I went to the 3rd page and thought “hey I know this”, yup- it is the front cover of the book…beautifully colored by Rover Hsiao- I am a big fan of her coloring and I wondered how I could even compare with her work…… again I was afraid…Laurie what did you do to me with your Dazzling Dragons… I never usually have feelings like this, haha…. but I started it… and I made the start with the most difficult coloring for me to do, skin… even though I haven’t done it a lot, I know the way it should be done, but I am too insecure when doing faces…no, maybe it is that I do not like to color faces….. and if I do, I use most of the time making-up the color, or just use it out of  the colorbox…. but I am happy with my work! I used Stabilo Carbothello Pastel pencils and Conté Pastel pencils…

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After I finished the skin I immediately grabbed my Talens Fixative spray, I did not want to destroy it… After using that, you can still go over it with new colors if you like!

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This time, instead of paperstumps for the pastel I used a flat brush to smear out the colors….very smoothly, because I didn’t want to change the color, just let them flow together. It was the first time that I have used this method, and I have to say, it works pretty fine to me!

Of course I made a small video too from my work in progress… take a look if you wish…

If you are in love with this book, as much as I am, then you really have to buy yourself a copy, it will be hours and hours of fun to color.

Dazzling Dragons: Adult Coloring Book

Adult Coloring Book, be prepared to get swept away and fall in love with this beautiful and highly detailed magical book by Laurie Beauchamp …. 37 amazing and wonderful single page drawings of the most wonderful dragons ….



Your blogger Johanna Ans & team Global Doodle Gems

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